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acetone ?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:20 pm
by rctenracer
I have a set of b3 sport rims that I want to use on another project. I have heard that acetone will break down the glue. What about the acetone effecting the rims I think they are nylon . Im not looking to save the tires just the rims.

Re: accetone ?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:23 pm
by mikedealer
i have had luck in keeping my rims outside (like in 0-10degree weather) and the cold makes the glue or rubber fragile where it will break right off with quick snaps.

as far as the acetone, i wouldnt recommended it. that stuff, if you drop like a craftsmen screwdriver into it, it will melt the plastic into a pool of liquid plastic mess.

Re: acetone ?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 11:47 pm
by ROH73
I've had great results with acetone on nylon rims. If they are stock associated, your B3 rims should be nylon, but proceed at your own risk. ABS, polystyrene, polycarbonate, etc. and acetone don't mix.

I usually cut the tire off with an x-acto knife and then soak the rims until the CA glue dissolves. It doesn't take long. Be sure to have a cover for the container the rims are soaking in; acetone evaporates very quickly.



Re: acetone ?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:36 am
by bearrickster
I have done a 100 rims with acetone, I just put it in a plastic butter tub or icecream tub, just plastic with a lid. then pack it as full as it will go with tires and still be able to close the lid. pour in the acetone close it up then let them soak. they must be sealed. then when their ready seperate the wheels and tires, I then soak the rims in Castrol Super Clean in the same manner. the rims will come out of the super clean I keep all of my old tooth brushes for parts give them a little scrub, they look like new.

Re: acetone ?

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:48 pm
by Brandon G
I got an empty 1 gallon paint can from lowe's for my acetone bath. Does a great job of keeping it and the fumes where they belong. Works great on most reputable wheels. (Duratrax need not apply) Careful with Tamiya too.

Re: acetone ?

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 3:46 pm
by adam lancia
Juts to add, the wheels don't need to be submerged in the acetone, the fumes do the majority of the work. Pour an inch or two into the bottom and put something in there (brick or whatever) to set the wheels on and watch the tires fall off the next day. I like the idea about using the Castrol Superclean :)

Re: acetone ?

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:56 pm
by rctenracer
I like your idea I will give it a try and keep my fingres crossed .
adam lancia wrote:Juts to add, the wheels don't need to be submerged in the acetone, the fumes do the majority of the work. Pour an inch or two into the bottom and put something in there (brick or whatever) to set the wheels on and watch the tires fall off the next day. I like the idea about using the Castrol Superclean :)