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CA glue on NetBook screen. Any suggestions?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:39 am
by tim.sanderson
I accidentally got a couple of little spots of CA glue on my NetBook monitor at the track last night. :( They are pretty small (maybe 1mm each or so) but they are pretty close to the centre of the screen, and are going to drive me nuts! Any ideas on how it might be removed without damaging the plastic screen?

Re: CA glue on NetBook screen. Any suggestions?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:45 am
I'd contact the manufacturer of the CA and ask them. Not sure how well it bonded, but would a careful pass with a flat razor blade do anything? I'd be very careful with that though. Or just use it as an excuse to pick up a new netbook! :mrgreen:

Re: CA glue on NetBook screen. Any suggestions?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 8:06 am
by tim.sanderson
I was thinking more the latter. :P
I'll try contacting the manufacturer. I'm skeptical to think there would be something that is harsh enough to remove the glue, but not too harsh to damage the plastic. It's worth a shot, though!

Re: CA glue on NetBook screen. Any suggestions?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:37 am
by jwscab
well, either you can scrape it off with a fingernail, or you might be able to dab some acetone on it from a cloth/tissue. Anything you do will probably make the situation worse, but you can try touching an inconspicuous corner with aceton first to see if it reacts.

thats a tough one, I might just leave it alone and pick at it from time to time so it will gradually loosen....

Re: CA glue on NetBook screen. Any suggestions?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:20 am
by tamiyadan

Re: CA glue on NetBook screen. Any suggestions?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:33 am
by Chris K
I had this happen with a small screen on a video camera - I used Losi DeBonder - it removed the glue and did NOT react with the face.

I would NOT use acetone; it's highly reactive to MANY plastics (ever had a set of wheels disapear when your were soaking the tires off?).

Certainly, anything you use (and I know you know this; just making myself feel better) be sure to spot test it and make sure that it won't react....

Hopefully you didn't glue any keys together!!!!!!! :D

Re: CA glue on NetBook screen. Any suggestions?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:07 am
by mikedealer
try nail polish also.

Re: CA glue on NetBook screen. Any suggestions?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:46 am
by Mindwarp
How about this stuff? I've never used it but sounds like what you're looking for.

Re: CA glue on NetBook screen. Any suggestions?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:57 am
by YZ-10
Chris K wrote:I had this happen with a small screen on a video camera - I used Losi DeBonder - it removed the glue and did NOT react with the face.

I would NOT use acetone; it's highly reactive to MANY plastics (ever had a set of wheels disapear when your were soaking the tires off?).

Certainly, anything you use (and I know you know this; just making myself feel better) be sure to spot test it and make sure that it won't react....

Hopefully you didn't glue any keys together!!!!!!! :D
Sounds like a good bet.

Also is it a glossy or matt screen?

Re: CA glue on NetBook screen. Any suggestions?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 2:01 pm
by Chris K

Re: CA glue on NetBook screen. Any suggestions?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 8:53 pm
by lowrydesign
Use debonder .

Do not freeze it, the moisture will totally ruin the CPU and motherboard when it defrosts .

Also is give time a try, the longer you leave the screen on the more heat will build up, ca glue breaks down with heat and water