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Re: Groups

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:01 am
by RC104ever
I look there in the classifieds mostly but you're right. The good posts get ignored so I come back here where I can calm down and regain my sanity :lol:

Re: Groups

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:14 am
by jwscab
I don't mind them terribly,but you know what to expect. It's easier for some who live through a phone or tablet since the format better matches portable interface. I am on a PC all day and much prefer that to a phone/tablet but I am in a minority it seems. The groups are great for pics of stuff found, some sales with known users, and another outlet. I much prefer the message boards,but what can I say

Can't tell you how many times I have to tell the wife to get off the tablet and use a PC to get the info off web pages.

Re: Groups

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:49 am
by RC10th
No facetube here...

Re: Groups

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 7:44 pm
I've gotten into the facebook group thing but my activity here has turned to a dwindle either way as Im content with the few cars I have and dont really have any rc10 related projects going. I still check the contest, off topic, ebay, and general rc10 sections but I just dont have much to post about.

some groups are fun but a lot of it hinges on the people running the groups. If the people running it arent active enough or there just arent enough admins to monitor it, it goes to hell. One i had joined went to total crap for a while and while there are good posts still going on, most of it is non rc related crap that seems to keep spreading to other groups as of late.

Its novelty relies in the fact that they are easy to access. its crazy how many questions people throw out there could have easily been answered just going to the manufacture's site. hell, most dont even know where to get parts from :lol:

Re: Groups

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 8:10 pm
by mk-Zero
We've had the same thing happen on the aircooled VW website I run/admin. A couple years ago it was really busy with everyone posting on their projects, technical questions, shows and events, for sale/wanted, off topic, etc. But over the last couple years almost everything has shifted to to fb. People say its easier to upload pictures to, or some such lame excuses. Personally, i hate fb, i stopped using it a couple years ago. Seemed to me it was just a bunch of people posting crap i didn't care about, like what they were eating for dinner, in a lame attempt to be relavant.
For stuff like car restorations, rc cars, and other things of technical nature, i think the format of forums just makes way more sense. I just don't get trying to do that on fb...

Re: Groups

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:09 pm
by RichieRich
I think people go to the facebook groups for an ego stroke. You can post a pic and get a bunch of likes. You can't do that on a forum. Likes make you feel important and loved. :lol:

Re: Groups

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:26 pm
by scr8p
RichieRich wrote:I think people go to the facebook groups for an ego stroke. You can post a pic and get a bunch of likes. You can't do that on a forum. Likes make you feel important and loved. :lol:

Re: Groups

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:44 pm
by transamman908
:lol: :lol: :lol: I wish they would add a hate button :lol:

Re: Groups

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:58 pm
by Incredible_Serious
scr8p wrote:
RichieRich wrote:I think people go to the facebook groups for an ego stroke. You can post a pic and get a bunch of likes. You can't do that on a forum. Likes make you feel important and loved. :lol:
Hope you feel important now.... :lol:

Re: Groups

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 9:19 am
by RC104ever
RichieRich wrote:I think people go to the facebook groups for an ego stroke. You can post a pic and get a bunch of likes. You can't do that on a forum. Likes make you feel important and loved. :lol:

:mrgreen: :lol:

Re: Groups

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 12:22 pm
by RichieRich
Incredible_Serious wrote:
scr8p wrote:
RichieRich wrote:I think people go to the facebook groups for an ego stroke. You can post a pic and get a bunch of likes. You can't do that on a forum. Likes make you feel important and loved. :lol:
Hope you feel important now.... :lol:
Anytime Jason acknowledges my existence, I feel important. :lol: :lol:

Re: Groups

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 12:48 pm
by GoMachV

Re: Groups

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 2:01 pm
by LTO_Dave
I honestly never used fb that much until recently when I joined the Old School RC group. Everyone so far has been great and there are deals to be had. I scored a few things on there in the first few weeks that I've been searching for on here and other sites for years. More people on fb means more opportunity to find things and meet more people. There are the occasional "what is this and how much is it worth" posts, but a majority of it is enthusiasts sharing their builds and collections.

And there's also the groups that apply to a specific area that make it easier to find local people and deals. I joined the DSM Of PA group, which is for people with Mitsubishi and Eagle cars in Pennsylvania. This makes it possible to actually meet people to buy parts and not get scammed, and learn about local meets and cruises.

Re: Groups

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 2:23 am
by JK Racing
I'm guilty...I'm on FB more than here lately. Maybe its the variety, the idiots abound - granted, but there are nuggets of gold. I've met some local guys that are good people and it re-invigorated my love for racing vintage. I have been burnt out and just was stale overall. FB has helped me get out of that rut. I have more cars than ever and am racing more than I have for the past 5 or so years too.

With all the negatives, I found some positive that have helped me overall. I still rely on 10talk heavily for research and I do like to document builds on here as well. The knowledge here is invaluable.

Re: Groups

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 8:44 am
by scr8p
I can see the draw to the fb groups. A lot of people use fb, not just for r/c stuff. So when you can hit an app button on your phone that takes you right there, and new posts automatically show up in you news feed, it's just easier to get your r/c fix. It's also easier to post pics and, for the most part, easier to sell stuff.

But I think a lot of it goes to what Richie mentioned. For instance, I can post a picture of a car I'm building on there and get 80 likes. I can post that same pic on here and get 2 comments. Sure, it makes you feel good to get all of those likes. But after all of the likes that pic got, only 4-5 people actually took the time to comment on it. So really, how is it any different than the pic here on the forum? If 100 people look at the pic on here, I'd be willing to bet that at least half of them probably liked what they saw. You just don't get the visual confirmation of the "likes".

At the end of the day, with the lack of being able to archive stuff and go back to it later (easily), someone asking a question, getting 20 wrong answers, then 1 correct answer followed by 20 more wrong ones (if you don't know what you are talking about, for the love of god, keep your friggin' mouth shut :roll: ), and just the constant BS that goes on in 95% of every topic...... fb groups will never be the "go to" place for my vintage fix.

I don't care if I'm the only guy around here one day. I'll still be building shit and posting pics. :wink: