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Question for everyone!

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 7:19 am
by 773H
Since you guys all know the most about all of this, let me start this way. I have an original rc10T, and the first rc10 (gold tub, crap trans). I raced them both, never broke anything on the truck, but broke basically everything on the car. The original gold tub is long gone and has since been replaced by a custom piece of crappy red fiberglass for the chassis as well as all the arms and even the shocks. I think I picked the car up off a buddy for 50 bucks at least 12+ years ago. The only thing ever changed on the truck is where the dogbone goes into the back axel. I had one laying around off an old rc10 and I put it on the truck.

Now for the question.

I see that tekin has a chassis kit for the 10T and the 10. I really love my truck, and I don't really want to break anything on it, and still have all the original pieces for it and undyed :D. BUT... I want to run it at a lhs and have some fun with it again. Should I buy the kit and keep all the original pieces for it so I don't break anything? Unlike a few of you guys I noticed around here, I still like to drive my stuff LOL. The rc10 is beaten (but not broken) and definately needs an upgrade!

Any suggestions on which direction I can go without cleaning and shelving them both just to look at?


Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 9:43 am
by scr8p
well, here's my opinion. even if you bought the tekin chassis for the truck, or the buggy for the matter, you will still need to put the entire front end of your truck or buggy on that chassis, nose plate and all. also, the trans, rear shocks, hub carriers, axles, dogbones, and bearings. another thing would be, there is no replacement parts for the tekin chassis. the ones they are selling are old stock from the early 90's. so, if you would break a part, you'd have to buy another chassis kit to get the parts you need. and you'd have to hope that they still had some left. the were sold out a couple months back, but must have found some more in a corner somewhere.

if you want to save your truck from getting to beat up, i'd just pick one up off of ebay and use that. you can find awesome deals on rc10t's on ebay, in my opinion.

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 12:17 pm
by badhoopty
first, welcome to the board.

i got a couple shelf queen tekin kits, and while i have never ran one they look and feel pretty darn fragile.

if it were me, since you have already ran the truck, i'd just run it the way it is and try not to break anything. ;) if it has the oldschool white arms i may swap those for rpms since they are gettin' kinda rare.

srr8p is right with rc10t's being pretty cheap on ebay. if you want to keep your 10t as it has been thru the ages just pick up another off the bay. however, you may want to wait until after the holiday ebay feeding frenzy when the prices come down a tad.

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 4:37 pm
by 773H
I think that's the way I'll go. I'll just take the white arms off and throw some black ones on to break :)