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First Post - First Resto - Kyosho Optima

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 1:09 am
by foolio
Been lurking this forum for awhile...been collecting old Kyosho's for many years. Recently I moved into a new house and I now have enough room to dedicate part of the basement to RC. I probably have 20-30 old Kyosho's and I have finally begun restoration of them. I started with the Optima since that is what my first "good" RC car was back in 1987...I had a Hornet before that. I love seeing the work everyone does on this site and I hope that some people will enjoy mine as I work my way through my collection. I hope the attachment methods is a good way to post. I sized them all to less than 300k each.

Re: First Post - First Resto - Kyosho Optima

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 1:28 am
by RichieRich
Cool! I like it! Here's mine:


:lol: :lol:

Here's my Turbo:


Re: First Post - First Resto - Kyosho Optima

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 4:35 am
by GJW
superb original optima!... they are a great looking buggy there is no doubt.. super clean example the tires are just gleaming the way they should be...i likey :mrgreen:

Re: First Post - First Resto - Kyosho Optima

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 9:18 am
by KyoshoScorpionKid
That's not an easy paint job either, great job!


Re: First Post - First Resto - Kyosho Optima

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 10:10 am
by foolio
Is that an old RC10 body? I like it it.

Tire shine works on the Bridgestone's on my real car so I thought I would try it on my mini Bridgestone's...worked pretty well!

The paint job was difficult. It took me several days with a lot of masking and several coats using a brush. It's not perfect but it looks pretty good in the pictures. Thanks for the nice compliments!

Re: First Post - First Resto - Kyosho Optima

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 2:02 pm
by bdrmbully
nice restore very NIOCE!!! like the paint job. its not perfect but yet its still nice. plus you can tell you did it your self which makes it even more sweeter, rather than paying someone to do it.
heres mine...
Image Image

seems not too many ppl can appreciate mine as in my thread i only got but a few comments lol ive got a viper 6121 rc10 body i may try to make it look sorta optima box art and use it instead of my turbo optima shell.
my fave is the optima pro shell.