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First Radio Control Vehicle

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 6:12 pm
by limestang
Pretty interesting history of RC. Worth a watch.

- limestang

Re: First Radio Control Vehicle

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 9:48 pm
by Lowgear
Makes a video about the history of radio control while making the faux pas of calling them remote control. :roll: :P

Also, the Elettronica Giocattoli (ElGi) Ferrari 250LM was from 1966 not 1964... Oy vey. :lol:

Still worth a watch though if you didn't already know the information as it's only 7 minutes.

Edit: Testor's also came out with an R/C Mustang in 1966 but don't know which hit the market first.

Re: First Radio Control Vehicle

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:48 pm
by Lowgear
I was just browsing around eBay, and discovered that radio control vehicles were being commercially produced in the '50s such as the Radicon bus. Why is the Ferrari and Mustang considered the first when there were R/C cars out a decade prior?

Re: First Radio Control Vehicle

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:44 am
by Dangeruss
I think the EI-Gi Ferrari takes credit for the first radio-controlled vehicle because it's an easy media sell, and people often mistake the word "first" for what they want it to be, not what really is.

Like how people think Henry Ford made the first automobile... or assembly line.... or how wikipedia's articles are truthful...

Re: First Radio Control Vehicle

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 3:25 am
by RC10th
Isn't there a video of the Germans or Russians or someone showing off a radio control model jeep from the 50's?

Re: First Radio Control Vehicle

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 1:23 pm
by GreenBar0n
Nikola Tesla was a truly impressive guy, here's his RC boat from 1898.

Makes one wonder how Marconi received the patent for radio, instead of Tesla...

This video left out the part where the boat has a few lights on it, and Tesla would ask the little boat math problems for the crowds amusement, and the lights on the little boat would blink to signify the answer to the math problem that Tesla had asked it.