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Hi! Belarus here

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 8:04 pm
by eekz
Hey guys! What a nice place with lots of information on vintage stuff. Glad to be here!
Currently my interest lies in brushed motors for on-road racing. A little crazy in BL era, but quite exiting to learn what people used years ago and check how it performs.

Best wishes for everyone :)

Re: Hi! Belarus here

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 7:22 am
by TRX-1-3

Welcome. About the only thing I know about brushed motors on modern batteries is gear them properly and watch the temperature (I guess this applies to any motor type, really). They can get quite hot with the modern battery capacities, discharge profiles, and longer run times. Not to mention that 0.2V extra on a 2S lipo when compared to a 6 cell NiCad or NiMH running at 7.2V (rated).

Re: Hi! Belarus here

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:43 pm
by eekz
Thanks for the notice. Googled about it and it's another layer of information to learn before making a proper build.