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== How To - Search RC10Talk and Other Sites ==

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 12:15 pm
by Halgar
This is a "how-to" that I just posted over at Clodtalk because the site search feature doesn't work. This method works for any site. Hope the info helps.

The search feature of this site and others leaves much to be desired. The way to do the best and most thorough search is to use Google's Advanced Search.

Go to Google and to the right of the search bar you'll see "advanced search". On the advanced search page, enter the parameters of your search, and a little lower on the page you'll see a place to insert a domain address of the site you want to search. Copy and paste "" (without the quotes ) and then click the search button. This method will work better than most resident search engines.
googlesearch.jpg (68.62 KiB) Viewed 5417 times
googlesearch.jpg (68.62 KiB) Viewed 5417 times
Good luck, happy searching. 8)

Re: How to search RC10Talk and other sites

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 1:50 pm
by highwayracer
Good information...thanks for posting.


Re: How to search RC10Talk and other sites

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 1:56 pm
by Halgar
No problem. Search related questions come up all the time and I figured a viable solution should be available, even to those of us familiar with the site.

Happy hunting. 8)

Re: How to search RC10Talk and other sites

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 8:23 am
by Dr. Robotnik
Bizzarely I found that google still has a lot of trouble with searching the blackhole known as RC10talk.... :? It doesn't find threads and posts I know are there...

Re: How to search RC10Talk and other sites

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:53 am
by Halgar
Interesting! Works great on Clodtalk. Since 10talk is the same software on the same server it would seem odd that it doesn't work equally well here.

Maybe there was some operator error involved ... :wink:

Re: How to search RC10Talk and other sites

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 11:01 am
by Dr. Robotnik
Halgar wrote:Maybe there was some operator error involved ... :wink:
Nope. I have tried a number of times and there are some threads that don't show up. I even found the threads manually to double check for operator error :wink:

Re: How to search RC10Talk and other sites

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 12:30 pm
by Halgar
Well, Google is still probably a better route than the resident search engine, even if it can't find all the trinkets you're looking for. It could be site settings that prevent Google from crawling this site, but that's kind of doubtful. Bill would know.

Re: How to search RC10Talk and other sites

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 1:46 pm
by Dr. Robotnik
Halgar wrote:Well, Google is still probably a better route than the resident search engine, even if it can't find all the trinkets you're looking for. It could be site settings that prevent Google from crawling this site, but that's kind of doubtful. Bill would know.
Yes I agree it's better than the in built search and I wasn't knocking you for posting the advice (far from it, good job btw), I was just saying that so far, I have not found it infallible.

I really shouldn't have chimed in without a reasonable alternative to be honest. :oops:

Re: How to search RC10Talk and other sites

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 2:21 pm
by Halgar
Dr. Robotnik wrote:Yes I agree it's better than the in built search and I wasn't knocking you for posting the advice (far from it, good job btw), I was just saying that so far, I have not found it infallible.

I really shouldn't have chimed in without a reasonable alternative to be honest. :oops:
So it WAS operator error! :evil: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Don't worry, wasn't taking your comments negatively. In fact, I'm glad you said something or I wouldn't have known. It is doubtful that any search feature is infallible, just gives the user something to figure a work-around for. 8)

Re: How to search RC10Talk and other sites

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:53 am
by Dr. Robotnik
Halgar wrote:So it WAS operator error! :evil: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Re: How to search RC10Talk and other sites

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 4:27 pm
by Tadracket
Fantabulous option. I have floundered with the native search on many occasions. I will give Google a try next time.

Re: How to search RC10Talk and other sites

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 4:49 pm
by mikedealer
a easier way to search a site is to type in the search box " novak" (novak being the search term, without the quotes too), will work in yahoo and most search engines, no need to find advanced options. I find that most times you wont get nearly enough results as to what should be there... sometimes the search feature on a board is just better.

Re: How to search RC10Talk and other sites

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:04 pm
by Halgar
mikedealer wrote:a easier way to search a site is to type in the search box " novak" (novak being the search term, without the quotes too), will work in yahoo and most search engines, no need to find advanced options. I find that most times you wont get nearly enough results as to what should be there... sometimes the search feature on a board is just better.
Yeah, but for those of us that are low tech, we need all the PHd* buttons we can get! :mrgreen:

*PHd = Push Here dummy

Re: How to search RC10Talk and other sites

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 8:35 pm
by Tadracket
Halgar wrote: *PHd = Push Here dummy
Dude, I have looked everywhere. There is no freaking "Here" button on my keyboard. I had to buy a stupid "Any" key. They charged me $20 for that crap and now my pause button is gone. How the hell am I suppose to read MAC addresses in NIC boot if I can't pause the screen? Who is going to update the MAC filtering on the switches? POS technology. You can have it.


Re: How to search RC10Talk and other sites

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:28 pm
by Halgar
Well if you weren't so cheap and would buy quality MicroSoft products, you'd have all the keys necessary to beat across the monitor when the blue screen of death rears it's ugly head. :mrgreen: