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Removing Paint with Fuel Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 12:06 am
I have an old T3 Body I want to repaint for my 7 yo Son (fav color = Green and Orange). It is presently painted Candy Purple (just the Candy part, no Backing color) with a Florescent Yellow Stripe. I decided to spot test the Fuel Removal Method the other night. So, I took a clean rag and put a little fuel on it and started rubbing the yellow first. It came RIGHT OFF. I thought, "GREAT"!!. Then I started rubbing on the Candy...and I rubbed...and rubbed...and you get the point. It had NO effect on the Candy. I resoaked the rag several times and still didnt notice any removal. Anyone else tried removing Candy Paints with Fuel?

Re: Removing Paint with Fuel Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 12:08 am
by shodog
sounds like the Candy paint does a killer job of etching into the plastic. You might be SOL

Re: Removing Paint with Fuel Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 8:25 am
by Brandon G
Try laquer thinner.

that is what is used to thin the pactra lexan paints anyway. seems to cut the tough stuff pretty good.

Re: Removing Paint with Fuel Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 8:52 am
by Erich Reichert
Ya it may be a thing that the yellow paint was acrylic (waterbased) so it came off without a fight and the candy might be enamel paint which needs a stronger solvent to remove. Just curious, you can still buy T3 bodies, why go through all the time and trouble?

Re: Removing Paint with Fuel Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:00 am
First, and foremost, Im Cheap!!! :lol: I also like doing things the hard way, and its just laying around here taking up space, but its in really good shape, I'll just have to do new body posts.

Laquer Thinner wont mess up the body?

Re: Removing Paint with Fuel Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:40 am
by Erich Reichert
LOL I hear ya! :lol: I don't konw about thinner. Testors make a "Brush Cleaner" that i've always used to take off paint like that. You wipe it on with a rag and let it sit a bit then pretty much wipe it off with the paint.

Re: Removing Paint with Fuel Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 12:18 pm
by shodog
Lacquer thinner will probably destroy that body. I wouldn't try it.

Re: Removing Paint with Fuel Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 12:19 pm
by Brandon G
Cant hurt it too badly, as this is what you use to thin the Pactra lexan paint for airbrushing?

I would not let it pool up and sit, it may affect the lexan?

I let some nitro fuel pool up and it left foggy areas in the lexan. And no it wasn't where the paint etched into it, it was in an unpainted portion of the window, which is now ruined I might add. Unless I cut the windows out of course....

Re: Removing Paint with Fuel Problem

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 5:40 pm
by twiningmike
try greased lighting (degreaser cleaner) full strength, soak in a container overnight, i have good luck with it, but some paints it did not work on but works on most, also brake fluid seems to take off the paints greased lighting did not, both safe on lexan

Re: Removing Paint with Fuel Problem

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 8:44 pm
by junkman
From my experience with laquer thinner, it will take the paint off, but the body seemed very brittle afterwords.

Re: Removing Paint with Fuel Problem

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:18 pm
by ericsp2
anyone ever try aircraft stripper? it comes in a spray can at auto parts stores. i know what it does to a real car :lol:

Re: Removing Paint with Fuel Problem

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:52 pm
by rc-stu
ericsp2 wrote:anyone ever try aircraft stripper? it comes in a spray can at auto parts stores. i know what it does to a real car :lol:
do not use aircraft stripper. i use it to strip diecast cars for custom builds and it MELTS any and all plastic.

Re: Removing Paint with Fuel Problem

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:11 pm
by fakiee
I was stripping a body shell that had numerous paints on it, some came off with nirto fuel while others didnt. My girlfirend was removing some nail varnish with, you guessed it nail varnish remover. I tried this on the body shell and it worked suprisingly well. Try a dab of that if theres any lying around.

Re: Removing Paint with Fuel Problem

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:14 pm
by YZ-10
Erich Reichert wrote:LOL I hear ya! :lol: I don't konw about thinner. Testors make a "Brush Cleaner" that i've always used to take off paint like that. You wipe it on with a rag and let it sit a bit then pretty much wipe it off with the paint.
i agree with the testors stuff, have heard of excellent results from it, sadly it can't be shipped airmail and i haven't managed to get hold of any myself in uk yet, i have a shell waiting as well

Re: Removing Paint with Fuel Problem

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:31 pm
by ericsp2
hey yz10 i can put some in a can of coffee for you and send it. let me know