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Oldbie Newbie

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 7:32 am
by cougartoo
Hi guys, Ive just discovered this forum. I used to race every weekend throughout the nineties but havent touched anything since. Inspired to join here as Ive just had to clear out my mums loft and found all my old cars and its got the nostalgia flowing. Going to restore a couple of them. Theres a tamiya Egress, three RC10s and a couple of Cougar 2s. The Cougar 2 and the Bosscat were my prefered steed back in the day, sadly the Bosscat went years ago!

Re: Oldbie Newbie

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 4:04 pm
by coxbros1
Welcome! Nice selection :) as far as those cars go, your original Egress is the Holy Grail of those. :lol: :lol: :lol:
We need pics!

Re: Oldbie Newbie

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 3:08 am
by cougartoo
The Egress was always my favourite car, it was never competetive but I used to love driving it, I was still racing it every now and again into the mid nineties. Its got a few alloy hop ups on it but sadly is incomplete (i dont remember why or where the missing buts went, it was all so long ago). I'll dig it out when I get time and take some photos and start hunting for the missing parts to get it back up and running.