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Kyosho Turbo Ultima II restoration

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:32 pm
by Mrpatel7
Hi All,

I recently restored my Turbo Ultima II. I took it to my local hobby store and he suggested upgrading to an ESC, a new control, and new tires (I was able to find some 4x10x4mm bearings to make the front wheels fit the stock axel). I don't have any before pics, but here are the after.

It still has the original Monster Stock motor. Does anyone know what the purpose of the capacitor is on the motor?
I have had to solder it on a few times and just wondering if it is needed. Does the 22x1 mean 22T?

Also since the front wheels are now bigger they are the first things to hit a wall when crashing. I broke the ball head on one of the wheels when I crashed into a curb. So I was wondering if anyone has a recommendation (link) on a bigger bumper that would fit this model.

Re: Kyosho Turbo Ultima II restoration

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 10:40 pm
by XLR8
The caps are meant to reduce motor noise. Back in the days of 72 and 75 mHz radios, excessive motor noise would cause radio interference. Not sure that it's such a big problem with today's 2.4 ghz systems.
Not familiar with that motor but I believe "22x1" means 22 turns, single strand -- although "stock" usually means 27 turns. "Outlaw Stock" seems like a contradiction in terms -- sorta like "honest thief". lol.
I had a first gen Ultima back in the day. A really nice car to race.