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Motor Choice for 10L Graphite

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 3:32 pm
by Basher67
I've been waiting for the right 10L to come my way for a while and finally came across this one. It's going to end up on my shelf when it's done and I would like to have a cool, era correct, motor in it. These are a couple of the motors that I have and I'm wondering if either one of these would be correct in this car. The Reedy Modified has the Edinger address so I think it might be too old to be correct for the car. Not sure when the Super Outlaw Stock came out. Not sure when the 10L Graphite came out either, around '90 maybe?

Re: Motor Choice for 10L Graphite

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:23 pm
by jwscab
I think the 10L was early 90 or late 89, something like that. the edinger addressed motor is probably too old. If you go through old RCCA I think the jan 90 issue is the velodrome or other on road races maybe you can get some clues on popular motors around that time. Not sure on the outlaw motor, were wet mag's popular 89/90 or were they later?

Re: Motor Choice for 10L Graphite

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 5:00 pm
by Basher67
Checking old RCCA articles for clues is a good idea. I have a bunch of old brushed motors but it's hard to get a time line on them all.

Re: Motor Choice for 10L Graphite

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 8:11 pm
by RC10th
I would say out of those choices the outlaw would be the most correct.

Re: Motor Choice for 10L Graphite

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 8:55 pm
by Basher67
That's what I was thinking too. I also have a near new B&R motor. I think it might be a super stock. I've looked through a few different vintage motor lists and they only have info on the brand, part#, # of turns, etc. Can't seem to find vintage motor list that shows any kind of timeline. Even a time line of the different AE / Reedy motors over the years would help some.

Re: Motor Choice for 10L Graphite

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 9:28 pm
by GoMachV
I'm going to say outlaw is too new and the Edinger while older is closer to correct. In the May 1990 RCCA review they used a Reedy yellow dot, and the SS a year and a half or so later got a Mr series motor. Pretty sure that Outlaw is going to be 1992+.

Re: Motor Choice for 10L Graphite

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 10:50 pm
by Phin
I vote the B&R if it's got the same color can and same endbell as that Mr. Outlaw. Otherwise the Mr Outlaw over the Edinger motor but I'd also swap the T-1X for something slightly newer. An Edinger motor is too old for the RC10L, which first raced in early '89.

A Mr. Outlaw Stock shows up in AE's 1991 catalog but there's no mention of a Mr Outlaw "Super" Stock so Gomachv's estimate of '92+ is likely good. Though that then means the T-1X becomes a little out of date. :?

Re: Motor Choice for 10L Graphite

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 12:03 am
by Basher67
I put the T-1x in it because it's the one that is shown in the manual. Anyone know what year the 10L graphite was released? I was pretty sure the 10L was released in '89 but wasn't sure about the graphite version. If the graphite didn't get released until early '90's then the Outlaw motor might not be far off. Here's a pic of the B&R that I have sitting here. It's a Yokomo stock motor I think.

Re: Motor Choice for 10L Graphite

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 12:29 am
by Basher67
So far, from what i can find, the graphite version was released in '89 also.

Re: Motor Choice for 10L Graphite

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 8:47 am
by Phin
That B&R works on an RC10L with the T-1X.

Just spotted the Mr Outlaw Super Stock in the March '93 RCCA stock motor buyer's guide article so '92+ is the right era for that motor. According to the Novak Timeline the T-1X was discontinued in '90 so you're kind of running into the same age difference issue as with the Edinger motor. It wouldn't be as off, since a club racers on a budget might have still been using their T-1X in stock class c. '93, but someone with backing would've upgraded to something a little newer.

Re: Motor Choice for 10L Graphite

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 9:03 am
by scr8p
The B&R motor and T-1x are the only 2 that would jive together. If you want to use the Reedy Outlaw, you need to bump the esc up to at least an M series Novak.

That being said, I was still running a T-1x in my truck up until I sold it in '94. I didn't have the money in my early/mid teens to be buying the latest and greatest electronics. Just kept using what I had.

Hell, I was even running a 411-p2 in my EDM the last time I raced it in 2007. :lol:

Re: Motor Choice for 10L Graphite

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 7:09 pm
by Basher67
I have plenty of other options on hand as far as esc's. I have a Novak 1X, 4, T-4, 410-M5, 410-MXc, 410-M1c, 410-M5, and a Hammer Pro. Also got a couple Tekins---a Speed Star and a TSC 410S. The only reason I used the T-1X is because it is the one in the pic of the car in the manual, but if there is a better "era correct" choice in my collection, I'm all for it. I want to go with a Novak because I was always partial to the brand and I have the matching receivers for them. I know the Hammer Pro is too new. I tried to look up the Novak timeline, but every link I find is a dead end with no website. I also dug into my motors and found a nice Race Prep "Power Zone" as another option, but as with the other ones, I'm not sure if it would be a correct motor.

Re: Motor Choice for 10L Graphite

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 9:48 pm
by Phin
The links in this post stil work for the Novak Time Line, but you may have to click on them a couple of times.

B&R with the T-1X is era correct for an early release 10L, and that's what I think you should stick with. if you want a newer looking car, you can go with the Mr. Outlaw and one of the 410 Novaks (especially if they don't have a pop fuse in the case). Anything newer than that though and you're encroaching on the RC10LS era...which would mean you'd need to look for a rear crossbrace and a white dynamic strut front end. Come to think of it, a '92 RC10L would've probably got the rear crossbrace upgrade too.

Yeah, just go with the B&R and T-1X. :mrgreen:

Re: Motor Choice for 10L Graphite

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 11:31 pm
by Basher67
:lol: :lol: :lol: You're killing me Phin. After you told me I needed a better esc than the T-1x, I finally found the novak timeline and was thinking the 410-M1c was the best choice. I have an early version (no SPF) in beautiful condition. This came out in 1990 and was the "world champion" so I was thinking it was a much better esc and still spot-on for correct vintage. I have the NER-2x and the NER-3FM which should both be correct for receivers although the 3fm didn't come out until '91. I'm with you on the B&R. I wish I could nail down the exact years of production but info like that is not readily available. It's kind of hit and miss. I'm going to spend some time looking through old issues of RCCA and see what I can find. There was a time that I just would have put whatever I thought was cool in my car, but you guys have set a high standard around here and I know someone would nail me for claiming to have a period correct car with the wrong parts in it :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thanks for all the help guys. I'll make sure to post some pics when it's done.

Re: Motor Choice for 10L Graphite

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:01 am
by Phin
Hey now, be fair....I only said you should swap the T-1X IF you wanted to use the Mr. Outlaw, but my first suggestion was always the B&R with the T-1X. :P

B&R was making motors that look like yours since at least 1990, and probably even a couple of years before that. You could use it with a T-1X, T-4, or any of the 410's you listed and it wouldn't be "wrong".