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How to break the cycle?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:43 am
by RC10th
I've been trying to wind down my RC habits over the last year, and while I've made a huge dent to the point I was almost done, I still seem to end up with projects. I really want to break the cycle and concentrate on other things that I need to do, and should be more important then RC. I need to finish my 1:1 cars which still sit unfinished due to RC.

My goal would be to finish off what I currently have on the go (two cars), build a new NIX10M and cut back to only racing it.

I need a "patch" for RC or something..........

Re: How to break the cycle?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:54 am
by fakiee
Let me know when you find a cure! Perhaps stay off ebay, stay of RC forums?

About 5 years ago I had an epiphany to unload ALL of my RC stuff, everything - I would get so much done! It never happened tho, just carried on buying projects!

Re: How to break the cycle?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:05 pm
by njdriver04
I had the opposite issue with 1/1 scale cars, spent too much money and time working on them, usually three different at a time.

Re: How to break the cycle?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 12:00 am
by RC10th
Well yeah, the 1:1 cars take too much money too. The 1:1 cars are worth quite a bit more, bigger assets, and pretty useless sitting unfinished in the garage. One is reasonably hard to come by and would make most people say, "why aren't you doing that instead"

I need to take a step back from RC and re-focus my priorities, but I've been doing RC pretty much non stop for over 23 years so it's tough.

Re: How to break the cycle?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:21 am
by scr8p
RC10th wrote:Well yeah, the 1:1 cars take too much money too. The 1:1 cars are worth quite a bit more, bigger assets, and pretty useless sitting unfinished in the garage. One is reasonably hard to come by and would make most people say, "why aren't you doing that instead"

I need to take a step back from RC and re-focus my priorities, but I've been doing RC pretty much non stop for over 23 years so it's tough.
This kinda sums me up too. R/C has been a constant for me since I was 7-8, so we're talking 30 years. That's not something you are just gonna stop. As much as I say to myself I need to calm the r/c stuff down and focus on my 55 Chevy it never happens. A lot of it is lack of money. But actually having room in the garage to work on my car I think is the bigger issue. I don't feel like saving and spending money for parts for a car I can't even work on. That's not a problem with my r/c's. I have plenty of room to work on them, and probably the biggest reason I don't step away from them.

Re: How to break the cycle?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:50 am
by kaiser
i came to the realization that rc is more important to me then 1:1's.
i sold off all my vw's. sold off most of my guns. stopped buying expensive whiskey and absinth.

now that it's spring i'll spend more time on the property, mowing, gardening, tractor fun times....but rc will always be there for me.

rc is cheaper then any other hobby/sport i've ever been involved with.
sometimes i'll go through a slow rc period but i always go back, racing, building, collecting.

@41 years old and a father of two i can't justify the fast 1:1's anymore.

Re: How to break the cycle?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 9:14 am
by RC10th
Sounds like I'm not the only one then :lol:

My problem is the 1:1 car I'd like to finish was a childhood dream of mine which sort of came true when I bought one, but sadly it has been sitting unfinished for the last 3 years. I was pretty gung ho making good progress till the body guy AND dash mob let me down. Typical story you hear all the time of body guy pushes car into the corner and does next to nothing for over a year, same with the dash guy. This disheartened me immensley so I took the car home and its just sat ever since. A year and a half after I dropped the dash off I finally got it back.

Like I said earlier I've been winding down on RC (with the occasional relapse) Hopefully I can kick it this time, not give it up completely but focus on other things. It's amazing how much you can save when not buying RC stuff.

Re: How to break the cycle?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 12:19 pm
by soniccj5
Got into RC when I was 9 and have been with it on an off for over 30 years. There are times I slow down working on them and racing, but I could never stop completely.

I would recommend packing all the cars in boxes and clearing off your bench. This would make it more difficult to pull a car off the shelf and wrench on it. Then you might be forced to work on the 1:1. When the car is finished you could unpack the RCs and take them to the track in your finished car :D.

What type of 1:1 car are you restoring anyway?


Re: How to break the cycle?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:24 pm
by PlastiZapCA+
I've been building models and RC of all sorts since I was eight. It's not something I can ever completely part from since it's in the blood. I have cut back a huge amount though. Stepping away from my local surroundings and looking at the big picture usually kicks me into reality. There are much more important things I should be doing and I'll never get there if I don't stop blowing money and time on my hobbies. When I come to these conclusions I usually break out the note pad and start jotting down my goals. It helps to have them written down so I can monitor my progress. Maybe this could help you too? Look at the big picture and decide if where you are now is truly where you want to be. Doesn't matter what that goal is, a 1:1 car resto or where you currently are in life. Break out the note pad and start jotting down your goals, it might help you. Tape it to the wall so you can see it every day. You can still have room for your RC projects just don't let them consume you. Everything in moderation, including moderation. :lol:

Re: How to break the cycle?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:58 pm
by RC10th
My wife says my priorities are all wrong :lol:

I don't really have any goals aside from my real cars as sad as it sounds. We have a house, a couple of cars, seem happy, what else is there? I would like to travel back to the US though. I've been back every year since moving here except for the last couple.
soniccj5 wrote: P.S.
What type of 1:1 car are you restoring anyway?
Aside from getting my Fairlane back on the road. 1969 Dodge Charger R/T, 440 four speed, 6 pack.

Re: How to break the cycle?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:44 pm
by dldiaz
I started asking for toy R/C's when I was like 4, got a Tamiya Frog when I was around 9, I'm 41 now...
There were some on/off years in there, but overall I have more fun with R/C's than real cars.

I very much enjoy real cars and motorcycles, but the enjoyment is dampened (damped?) by:
1) the cost - which causes me to take precautions, worry, and generally not use them to their fullest potential
2) the danger - which also leads to caution, worry, and not going balls-to-the-wall...

I find R/C's extremely cool (the technology, the performance, everything), and I'm not afraid to go crazy with them!
I have fun jumping, flipping, wrecking, bashing, and racing - plus I stay safe, and I don't break the bank.

To be honest, when I am bored at work, I daydream about R/C's more than 1:1's.

Re: How to break the cycle?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:12 am
by RC10th
I think I've worked out a plan to wind down in the next couple of months. Hopefully I'll be able to re-organize all my gear and pack it away. I'm sure I'll be able to cut my spending by at least half.