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2nd Not Annual Visitor Statistics Contest

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 11:14 pm
by mytimac
Time for the site statistics from 2014. It has been many years since I last did one of these.

Sadly Google changed Analytics since I last did this and keywords that sent people to the site is no longer provided.
9665 Visits
6412 Unique visitors
4minutes 10seconds Average amount of time on site
Most visits in a single day is a tie for 51 on February 10th and October 16th.

Most Popular Web Browser = Chrome
Odd Web Browsers = Playstation Vita and Nintendo
Top mobile devices used are iPhone, iPad, Samsung GT-I9300 Galaxy S III, HTC M7 One

Top 5 visiting US States are California, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Texas. In that order from most to least. (Minnesota dropped off since 2011)
Top 5 visiting countries are USA, UK , Canada, Australia and France. In that order from most to least. (Canada moved to 3rd since 2011)

Odd visitor location fact. Pakistan is 20 out of 86 countries for most visits.
Most remote visitor? I think this might go to the 2 visits from someone in Iqaluit, NU, Canada.

32 visits from Horizon Hobby :lol:

Had lots of visits from people in Australia, but not a single visit from anyone in the Northern Territories of Australia. (quick fact, less people live there than in the small state of Vermont)

------- Contest time -------

Fabulous prize or prizes to the person who can guess the right answers. Open to people from any country. I will ship it any place as a gift.
You will have a choice in prizes of either an original new JG Kydex JRX2 big front bumper or the alternate prize package. The alternate package consists of Proline "Stubbie" truck tires, Tekin stickers, Reedy Off-road Brushes and RCONE Servo Arm. (see pictures below)

Question 1
Which US state had the least visits to in 2014?
A. Texas
B. Vermont
C. Iowa
D. West Dakota

Question #2
Most visitors to speak English. Which Language was the second most popular in 2014?
A. Spanish
B. Latin
C. Klingon
D. French

Question 3
What was the 2nd most popular web browser used to visit in 2014?
A. Safari
B. Cyberdog
C. Internet Explorer
D. Netscape

Send a PM to me with your answers to all questions. One guess per account and no guesses for new accounts created after this post. :)
I will draw names at random if more than one person gets the right answers. If nobody gets them all like last time I will draw random again.
Contest expires on March 17th at 5pm Central Time.

Feel free to try and intimidate your competition by posting below. :)

Re: 2nd Not Annual Visitor Statistics Contes

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 11:28 am
by mytimac
Reminder, less than a week left to get your guess in. Get them in by the end of the 17th.

Re: 2nd Not Annual Visitor Statistics Contes

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 12:38 pm
by kaiser
last time i was in west dakota the men were men and the sheep were nervous.

Re: 2nd Not Annual Visitor Statistics Contes

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:36 pm
by Incredible_Serious
kaiser wrote:last time i was in west dakota the men were men and the sheep were nervous.
Were you there for the men or the sheep?


Re: 2nd Not Annual Visitor Statistics Contes

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:40 am
by kaiser
sheep....of course.

Re: 2nd Not Annual Visitor Statistics Contes

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:33 pm
by Incredible_Serious
kaiser wrote:sheep....of course.
Such a wannabe farmer......


Re: 2nd Not Annual Visitor Statistics Contes

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 11:02 am
by mytimac
We have a winner!
Congratulations to member works92 from France.
Only person to get all 3 correct.

First I have to explain one thing. West Dakota is not a state, but I can see everyones logic in choosing it. So it counts as correct. Many people decided to choose it. I should have made it a little more clear I was looking for an actual state. For question one people could have B (Vermont) or D (West Dakota).

Question 1
Which US state had the least visits to in 2014?
A. Texas
B. Vermont
C. Iowa
D. West Dakota

Question #2
Most visitors to speak English. Which Language was the second most popular in 2014?
A. Spanish
B. Latin
C. Klingon
D. French

Question 3
What was the 2nd most popular web browser used to visit in 2014?
A. Safari
B. Cyberdog
C. Internet Explorer
D. Netscape

Re: 2nd Not Annual Visitor Statistics Contes

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 11:22 am
by works92
Lucky me :)

Thank's for the dynamic you bring to the hobby.