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Xbox one

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 4:34 pm
by marlo
Does anyone else own this piece of crap? I had got it for Christmas with great expectations.............. 3 hours, to a full day to down load a game, updates that last 45min every 3-4 days for that same game. I only wanted it for Halo 5, that isn't even out till the years end, but we paid for a pre order under the impression that it was this past Christmas. Its like the hole gaming console went back, and not forward. 2 games on it, and I'm at 45% capacity :roll: WTF, it sucks!!

Re: Xbox one

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 4:44 pm
by alien3t
my buddy got his from the release date no issues. it would start downloading, but able to play the game before downloading was complete. Loved Forza 5 on it. Just got my Daughter the Assasins creed package with Forza Horizons 2 non kinect version. nothing bad so far. Picking up that same package for myself hopefully.

Re: Xbox one

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:18 pm
by klavy69
I got one for my daughter also for christmas. Really hated it for a month or so. Not so bad anymore but I'm thinkin you are reading your capacity wrong. Just an opinion but I've downloaded black flag assassins creed and the assassins creed unity with 4-5 other rather large games and still only putting a slight dent in the 500 mb(?) capacity.

I hated the fact that I had DSL that couldn't go fast enuf to keep a constant download on. I ended up 'upping' my internet server speed and still took 3 days to download AC unity game.

This is not a stand alone gaming system for sure :evil: . Like you said, you can't even play offline until it updates online :roll: . Once installed it took 18 hours or so to get that update done :x . Once I got it all setup though I installed her disney infinity attachment and she has been playin the crap outta it.

I still don't know if my internet is fast enuf to play online :| I also as a bonus thought this would be a great way to 'hang out' with my family. My brother (Iowa) and his 2 sons (different parts of Alabama each) get on and play and talk but he dropped his internet and neither of my nephews stay in one place long enuf to hook up internet ATM. Found this out after droppin $700 for the whole shebang at christmas :?

One thing I will give kudos to is the customer service. To get me figured out I finally got ahold of someone...spoke perfectly good english and spent 3 hours on the phone with me the first night to get me going. He took my email and dropped me a personal phone number for future needs to get back to him and if I reply to the email he'll get back with me asap if he is on the other line and don't answer. I think he personally kept me from packing the whole thing back up and returning it 8)

Wow...feels good to vent a little about it besides yelling at my TV :lol:

Good luck and think once its all said and done you'll be happy with the gameplay. Been thinkin Halo5 or the war ones my brother used to mess with are on the 'list' to get.


Re: Xbox one

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 1:47 am
by Halgar
The console along with the latest and "greatest" Halo has been met with less than stellar reviews. Serious, hardcore gamers are not amused by the buggy game and console.

I swore off purchasing another MacroSux product after purchasing the Xbox360 and rounding out the Halo series. Bungie knocked Halo out of the park, it was a fantastic game, the rest went downhill very quickly, IMHO. There are small parts of the others in the series that are passable. Halo4 I've grown to enjoy, but still have serious qualms with MacroSux/343 and their band of mental midgets who keep screwing with the controls. Why must one go through 45 different screens to log into and play a game? I don't want to set a user profile, I don't want to go online, I don't want to watch movies or play music, I don't want to do anything but play the stupid game that they've all but made impossible to find. I also have a huge problem with "online" games, rather than console based games. While I get that these companies are in the business to make money, Macrosux is in the business of rape and pillaging for inferior products, hence why they will never see another dime from me.

Re: Xbox one

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 2:11 am
by Diamond Dave
Halgar wrote:The console along with the latest and "greatest" Halo has been met with less than stellar reviews. Serious, hardcore gamers are not amused by the buggy game and console.

I swore off purchasing another MacroSux product after purchasing the Xbox360 and rounding out the Halo series. Bungie knocked Halo out of the park, it was a fantastic game, the rest went downhill very quickly, IMHO. There are small parts of the others in the series that are passable. Halo4 I've grown to enjoy, but still have serious qualms with MacroSux/343 and their band of mental midgets who keep screwing with the controls. Why must one go through 45 different screens to log into and play a game? I don't want to set a user profile, I don't want to go online, I don't want to watch movies or play music, I don't want to do anything but play the stupid game that they've all but made impossible to find. I also have a huge problem with "online" games, rather than console based games. While I get that these companies are in the business to make money, Macrosux is in the business of rape and pillaging for inferior products, hence why they will never see another dime from me.
So you bought the Xbox one? :lol:

If you can get past all the short comings mentioned, it sure is fun.

Driving games for me, a few others as well but driving is the best so far.

Re: Xbox one

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:13 pm
by j-sou
I've had no problems with it! Downloads for me are fast, but maybe that's just my interweb speed here. If you're running out of storage space, I'm pretty sure any external hard drive can be plugged into it.

I mostly play GTA V and car related games. If anyone from here wants to add me, feel free to. Name is NuclearSnowfall

Re: Xbox one

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:24 pm
by marlo
j-sou wrote:I've had no problems with it! Downloads for me are fast, but maybe that's just my interweb speed here. If you're running out of storage space, I'm pretty sure any external hard drive can be plugged into it.

I mostly play GTA V and car related games. If anyone from here wants to add me, feel free to. Name is NuclearSnowfall
Thanks all for the great info. While I still have storage space (ATM) its adding up very quickly. I should have mentioned earlier, multi-player was also down loaded. I'm not a fan of external hard drives, but will need that option, as I want to save my achievements :roll:

Re: Xbox one

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:41 pm
by TRX-1-3
I was reading The Onion back at the turn of the century and fake stoner "Jim Anchower" called the Xbox a "clunky steaming pile". Jim nailed it then...........
