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How the past always comes back to haunt you

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 1:19 am
by tamiyadan

Re: How the past always comes back to haunt you

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 3:48 am
by hondaman
Damn.. That is one hell of a story.. I guess you never really know who is a good person or not.. Glad your friendship with your friend stayed the same.. Most friendships wouldn't have survived that..

At least some of them came home.. Maybe clean them up as is and set them on the shelf to "retire" from their hard life.. They did what they were meant to do and gave someone a bit of joy... Take a little solace in that..


Re: How the past always comes back to haunt you

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 8:29 am
by Saito
Wow. Unreal. That's a truly cringe-worthy story. I'm sorry you had to experience that.

Re: How the past always comes back to haunt you

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 3:38 pm
by skunk.werkz
From what I see you can already find abundant parts for the TA01? chassis ford and chevy. If you have any other TA01 chassis that youd like to get rid of send me a msg

Re: How the past always comes back to haunt you

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 4:53 pm
by NWarty
Holy crap man, I remember you telling this story. And now it comes full circle. Wow :shock:

I'll take that Toyota off your hands to remove any emotional scars that accompany it :lol:

Re: How the past always comes back to haunt you

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 5:07 pm
by tamiyadan

Re: How the past always comes back to haunt you

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 5:39 pm
by NWarty
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Glad to see you fixing them and keeping them Dan. Great way to spend some time with your nephew too :wink:

Cool to see those old Futaba radios too. I'm a sucker for vintage radios :wink:

Re: How the past always comes back to haunt you

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 6:10 pm
by twinrider1
Great looking cars, and it's nice they have a story with them to pass down.

Parents just don't understand. :-)

My grandma gave my dad's comics out to the neighborhood kids when he moved out.
Probably happens a lot. He was actually collecting comics, not just reading them for fun. No bags and boards back then, but he built a set of plywood drawers for them. He'd read it once or twice, then file it away.
He was born in 1927. Want to guess which comics he had? One guy dressed with an S on his chest and another guy dressed like a bat.
If only....

Re: How the past always comes back to haunt you

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 10:18 pm
by tamiyadan

Re: How the past always comes back to haunt you

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 11:08 pm
by 85Edinger
Wow, what a story!
My cars usually get used at family gatherings. Fortunately I've got the Rustler the kids can beat on without breaking, and I have a few cousins that are mature enough that I can let them use my vintage stuff with supervision. They generally are respectful of my stuff, and I usually end up causing more damage then my 9 year old cousin. :oops:
It's at least good to see that something good is being done with the cars. I will keep your story in mind and be sure to keep future kid use of my r/c's under control.

Re: How the past always comes back to haunt you

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 7:49 am
by Saito
Ugh. I think stories like these as well as my own experiences are why I'm such a pack rat today. I collected old Tamiyas when I was a kid and nobody wanted them. My parents wanted me to toss the boxes. I refused so they made me cut them up. At least I got to keep them as "artwork". The really early boxes (like SRB stuff) I talked my mom into letting me keep whole. Seemingly like alot of others, I lost interest in RC when I got my drivers license. I knew I'd return to the hobby eventually and about 5 years later I did. Fortunately most of my stuff went with me to my apartment. One day I went back to get my boxes along with my Marui collection and a few odd Grasshoppers and such. I went through their whole house looking for the stuff. They just looked at me with guilty looks on their faces claiming they didnt "remember" any of that "RC stuff" I'd left behind. With dawning horror, I realized at that point they had actually thrown all my things in the trash. It was a hard pill to swallow.

Re: How the past always comes back to haunt you

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 1:17 pm
by DarthRacer
I don't understand how any parent just tosses out their children's belongings when they move out. I wouldn't have the heart to do something like that. I'll hold onto it until they come back for it.

Re: How the past always comes back to haunt you

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 7:32 pm
by Saito
It's something I'd never do to my daughter. I remember reading Car Action magazine cover to cover every month. Then in the early '90s the magazine went to crap. I got my first car. Girls became alot more interesting. I would get a Car Action magazine, flip through it and toss it aside. Buggies were on the outs. Touring cars were in. Trucks were morphing into large buggy-like contraptions with a truck body slung so low over it, you couldn't see the chassis. I lost interest in where the hobby was going. I knew I'd come back to it in time so instead of selling off my collection, I kept it. My parents never really got my obsession with old RC stuff. I guess when I took a break they saw it as an opportunity to clean house. Honestly, its one reasons I left home early. My "stuff" was taking up too much of their space. While my friends were buying new cars and getting their feet under them as they finished up college, I was long gone, on my own with all that "stuff" that kept getting in their way. To this day, my mother doesn't "get" or accept my collection. Sorry for rambling, but Dan's right, the past does come back to haunt you.

Re: How the past always comes back to haunt you

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 11:28 am
by rccars4sal
I remember taking my "vacation car" A ta01 escort cosworth out to play while vacationing and visiting in laws. The The sketchy son came out to try, and he proceeded to seemingly purposefully run my fancy toy into the car tires, curbs, what ever he could to bash it up. He kept insisting it was on accident, and I kept insisting it was no worries, just try not to hit so hard. So, after the battery finally died, the car looked like it had gone through a shredder, and been run over,, but was fully operational. So, I politely put it away, put battery on charge, and we moved on to dinner,, or something else. I knew the guy(20 something?) was trying to get a rise out of me,, but we were guests in his grandmothers home, so there wasnt going to be any hostility on my part.

I never rebuilt the car. I just ran it hard for a few more years, and that body still survives. It had gone from a minty fresh build with possibly 10 minutes run time, to a mangled mess looking like 10 hours hard time in the matter of about 7 minutes. It was cosmetically, ruined in every way possible, and mechanically a bit compromised, but still functional. The guy litterally tried his hardest to break it untill the battery died!

Good part is when the the drug addicted half man had gotten his thrill, and not made me angry, he left, and avoided the place while we were there. Now a days When ever I bust out an rc car,, if theres people around,, I make it a point to have a good fast durable basher on hand. Give the stranger a "controller" and show em how to drift in the street. They all gets broke sooner or later anyways.

That guy years ago taught me a lesson.....

Theres always somebody who wants to break your toys eh?

Re: How the past always comes back to haunt you

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:06 pm
by tamiyadan