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What car as a fun racer?

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:57 am
by Medved
Hi there, as you can tell I'm a bit new to the forum and have recently got back into the hobby. I like the look of the rerelease buggies and wondered which was the easiest to get racing with?

Obviously the classic platform does work and has done for years and the worlds replica is another step on from that.........but how much?

I intend to get the kit for club racing and put modern electrics in it and lipos but nothing hotter than a 13.5 motor as it's just for fun.

Please impart your knowledge as I love these old buggies and want one that when I break it I can get parts for it!

Re: What car as a fun racer?

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 11:17 am
by TRX-1-3

I'd go with a World's. Mostly because you can still find them and they are totally rad. They have come down in price a bit and you might not have to pay the full $279.00usd ($199.00usd was what I heard a week ago). The Classic was a limited re-re and it's production run done. Those have already shot up in price. But I'm gonna shutup because that's about all I know. I don't have either because I keep dropping my coin on my vintage buggies from another manufacturer.


Re: What car as a fun racer?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 6:32 am
by RC10th
+1 for the worlds.

$199 at the moment and it's the best performing "vintage" buggy.

Re: What car as a fun racer?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 10:07 am
by shoman24v
I vote world's too.

Be sure you pick up a set of tires though, kit doesn't come with it.