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Can't open HK X-Car ESC Programming Software

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:55 am
by GodSpeed
Hopefully someone here is running this ESC and Software and can help me out.....

This is the ESC --


This is the USB Progammer --


You download the software from the ESC page down below under the Files tab. I can d/l it no problem, but when I try to open it I get a quick flash on the screen (too fast to read) of what I think is my computer trying to open it, but then nothing happens.

Any ideas?

Re: Can't open HK X-Car ESC Programming Software

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 12:21 pm
by GodSpeed
Found a solution for anyone who may come across this themselves in the future.

Forget about the download from the HobbyKing website on the X-Car ESC page under Files....where you're supposed to go.

Go to HobbyWING's website and the USB Link Software page --

Then scroll down to find and download this file (or just click this link that I've provided) --

Run/Install the software and it will place an icon on your desktop

Open program

Plug the USB programmer you bought for the X-Car ESC (**apparently the HobbyWing program boxes/cards don't work**) into your computer

Unplug your ESC from your receiver

Connect the USB programmer to your ESC

Connect battery in your car

Turn on ESC

BAM. Works. Awesome.

Re: Can't open HK X-Car ESC Programming Software

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 7:22 pm
The X-Car 120A is a cut price version of the Hobbywing v2.1 ESC. I have a couple of these and the Hobbywing LCD program box works fine with the X-car, and the v2.1 compatible Hobbywing firmware can also be installed on the X-Car. An amazing ESC and unbeatable value.

Re: Can't open HK X-Car ESC Programming Software

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 9:08 am
by GodSpeed wrote:The X-Car 120A is a cut price version of the Hobbywing v2.1 ESC. I have a couple of these and the Hobbywing LCD program box works fine with the X-car, and the v2.1 compatible Hobbywing firmware can also be installed on the X-Car. An amazing ESC and unbeatable value.
Sorry for the misinformation I posted then. I was just regurgitating what I had read (that the HW program boxes don't work with the HK ESC)

The Hobbywing USB software for PC, as I mentioned, works really well with the HK X-Car too. Very easy to use.

As for the Firmware updates, there's a whole list of them available when you open the drop-down menu. They don't appear to be in chronological order which would make it easy to load the latest update. They just appear to be "different" programs/mods based upon their weird file names.

Any further information/explanation on these you could share would be great.

Re: Can't open HK X-Car ESC Programming Software

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 11:10 am
by Lonestar wrote: unbeatable value.
which is the least you'd expect given the zero-ish development costs :mrgreen:

Re: Can't open HK X-Car ESC Programming Software

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 1:32 pm
by cobalta70
I have been running the 120a X-Car ESCs for a while now, and am also very happy with them. I believe that Hobbyking also have 60a and 80a versions that are also Hobbywing based. I think that there may be a 45a version too. I have been tempted to try one of the 80a or 60a ones, but for the extra few dollars it's hard no to order the 120a version. although, the 80a one is a cool purple color that would look good in the right vintage build. :D

Re: Can't open HK X-Car ESC Programming Software

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 11:56 pm
by justinspeed79
Thanks for the info on the files/downloads. I have the usb programmer but I haven't even tried to use yet. I have the 60, 80 and 120. I haven't even run the 80 or 120 yet. I had the 60 in my TC5 drifter with a trackstar 10.5 sensored. It started acting up and I thought the esc was going bad. After a couple emails to hk they sent me a new one, and that's when I ordered the 80 and 120. I decided install the 80 in the TC5, but when I did it was doing the same thing, so I tried the new 60 and it was doing the same thing. At this point I realized that it's probably the motor. After a little more tinkering I realize that the motor won't start from a stop, but if i get it rolling by hand it will work perfectly as long as it doesn't come to a complete stop. I am guessing the sensor in the motor is bad. Since they already sent me the esc I'm not going to get the motor warranteed, although they would probably replace it. I already have an 8.5 to put in the TC5, and I am going use the dual 60's in my Blackfoot.

Re: Can't open HK X-Car ESC Programming Software

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 5:34 am
by ezarc
Hello guys, owner of a RC10B5 kit and just bought this ESC and found this forum looking up info.

For the 120A X-Car ESC (equivelent to Hobbywing V2.1) I come across this info when it comes to flashing.
Car ESC Database 111011
The Firmware database of the car ESC has been updated to the latest Version 111008.
1. Two new firmwares named "V3.0_110930_MOD" and "V3.0_110930_STOCK: are available for the following ESC's:
XERUN-120A (V2.0), XERUN-60A (V2.0), XERUN-120A (V2.1), XERUN-60A (V2.1), Xtreme STOCK
a) "V3.0_110930_MOD" is an improved firmware version based on "V3.0_110119_MOD"; the new firmware has been updated to improve the fault tolerance of the signal quality of the Hall sensors within the sensor board of brushless motors.
The old firmware was found to be too sensitive to any small change of the sensor signal, in turn causing the ESC to frequently switch its running mode from sensored to sensorless. The new firmware is not as sensitive, so the ESC can still operate in sensored mode even if the signal has slight changes in amplitude from small error, that might eventuate this will help Mod motors which have very large current flows which cause the signal within the sensor board of the motor to change frequently causing unnecessary errors .
b) "V3.0_110930_STOCK" is a new version based on "V3.0_110211_STOCK", same improvements as above.
2. New firmware named "V3_508_No Timing" is also available for the JUSTOCK ESC. The improvements are as follows:
a) The "Maximum Brake Force" has been increased from 4 options to 8 options for finer adjustment.
b) The new firmware has also been improved for fault tolerance of the signal quality of the Hall sensors within the sensor board of the brushless sensored motor¡¯s.
3. New firmware named "111011_2R" is available for the following ESC's:
a) "111011_2R" firmware improves the fault tolerance of the signal quality of the Hall sensors within the sensor board of brushless motors.
b) The over-heat protection threshold for the ESC is increased to more than 110 Celsius degree, and the over-heat protection function for XERUN-SCT-Pro ESC can be disabled now. (In the old version firmware, the over-heat protection is permanently activated and cannot be disabled by user)
Then later there is firmware updates for the V3 ESC but it doesn't say if they are compatible with the V2.1 ESC, would anyone know if you can load the latest V3 ESC firmware on it?

Also there is also 2 different firmwares for the "Professional LCD Program Box" that aren't compatible with each other, one is for the 150A ESC and the other is for the 120A and 60A ESC if I recall correctly.

I'll update my findings and try to contribute more info to this thread when I get it up and running.

Re: Can't open HK X-Car ESC Programming Software

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 6:29 am
by Lonestar
there are 3 HW car "platforms"



the big 150A Xeruns

I had all three of them at some point - first one in 10th buggies, second one in DTM, third in 8th buggy ;)

you cannot for sure:
- put non V2 sw/fw on a v2 platform
- put non 150A sw/fw on a 150A platform

you might be able to
- put 150A or V2 sw/fw on V3 platform - but why would you? Never tried it ;)

Hope this helps

Re: Can't open HK X-Car ESC Programming Software

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 7:40 am
by ezarc
Thanks for the info.

So out of these 2 firmwares for the V2.1 which would be better?

"V3.0_110930_MOD" and "V3.0_110930_STOCK"

From the sounds of it they have something to do with mod and stock class racing but I don't understand what that is, I'm new to the hobby and not into racing.

Re: Can't open HK X-Car ESC Programming Software

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 3:55 pm
by Lonestar
the stock FW is designed to provide more boost to the smaller motors (higher number of winds). It's like turbocharging small blocks, you have to know what you're doing otherwise you might regret it. the "mod" fw is more geared towards the more powerful motors, who need less boost.

If you're just bashing, you're better off with a mild motor and less boost :) use the mod one.
