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where to get anodizing done

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 12:59 am
by jh1985
Im rebuilding 2 rc10t's and want to get a chassis re-anodized. Does anyone know where i can get this done. A place that i can ship it or just try to find one here in MN that does small oreders. all input is welcome.


Re: where to get anodizing done

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 11:27 am
by vsefiream
Gomachv has a place near him in WA state that looks really good. I dont have that info handy right now.
I used google to locate a place local to me when I had a chassis done. Local place was pricey though.

Update, see this post:

Re: where to get anodizing done

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 11:00 am
by jh1985
vsefiream wrote:Gomachv has a place near him in WA state that looks really good. I dont have that info handy right now.
I used google to locate a place local to me when I had a chassis done. Local place was pricey though.

Update, see this post:
Thankyou I got a few quote requests in around me. I was hoping there might be a place that i could mail it to pay a fee and get it back totally online. Not easy to figure out if you havent done it before.