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Whats wrong with some people?

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:35 pm
On this MIP thing, I got an offer (Member Name Unimportant):
""can you shoot me some pics of that white mip i have a white stealth and i think a rpm 2.61 i would swap. i might have more. i will see what else i can dig up.""
Sounds to me like offering BOTH Trannys, doesnt it?

When I got pics, most of the other parts were Black (Im going for nothing but White right now), and only 1 Tranny is there. After I ask about the "other" Tranny, I get some story about how Intrenals "can be put into" one or another Case. So, I said I would wait because Ive seen some white Stealths go cheap ($20). I get Pmed back:
""thats ok. if you can get them for 20 better buy them all. cause thats a smokin deal.""

I sent an Item # of one from a few minutes before. I promptly get this back:
""buy the bearings and a motor plate and how much do you have in it""

I reply:
""Bearings are on $10 all day long. I have a Black Motor Plate, and can definately wait for a Gold one. Even if I have to spend $40, I would then have BRAND NEW Stealth. The MIP has been Priced CONCSERVATIVELY at $60, by more than 1 person. I dont see your point.
I would love for someone from the Site get this, but not at my "expense". Im not gonna trade it for a Stealth, 9 Ball Cups, and a Motor Plate.""

I get this back:
""i would have offered you the difference but you did not let me get that far before bailing out on me.
hopefully somebody will put it to good use, but it won't be me.""

I replied:
""What!?!?! You made an offer, I ask about some othere stuff, and you said that was all you had. If you were gonna UP the offer, I would have thought THAT would have been the time to do it. Why are you being like this?""

There were at least 2 PMs AFTER I stated I would just wait, and why, but Member NEVER made ANY indication that they might be willing to UP the Offer at all.

I would be glad to post every PM (without Name) we had, I just dont understand what I did to deserve the heat (besides not take him up on anything).

Re: Whats wrong with some people?

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:59 pm
by scr8p
if the person typed it just like that.......................

"i have a white stealth and i think an rpm 2.65 i would swap."

then yes. it sounds like they're offering 2 transmissions to me.

Re: Whats wrong with some people?

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 9:00 pm
by shodog
well, such is the nature when dealing with other members on a message board. I cannot begin to count how many times I have been pestered by members for pics of this and that only to have them say no thanks or even worse never respond. That is why I am at the point where I don't want to deal though message boards and will list it on ePay. That way they are committed to the purchase.

Re: Whats wrong with some people?

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 9:20 pm
scr8p wrote:if the person typed it just like that.......................

"i have a white stealth and i think an rpm 2.65 i would swap."

then yes. it sounds like they're offering 2 transmissions to me.
That was a "Copy and Paste". Very Well-Known Memberof this Site too. I never even mentioned it again, until I saw they didnt have much other stuff I was interested in.
shodog wrote:well, such is the nature when dealing with other members on a message board. I cannot begin to count how many times I have been pestered by members for pics of this and that only to have them say no thanks or even worse never respond. That is why I am at the point where I don't want to deal though message boards and will list it on ePay. That way they are committed to the purchase.
Im beginning to understand that thinking. I just thought I had happened onto a "treasure" that was "too good" for me, and I could actually HELP a Member of this Prestigious Site have something nice, and do myself right also.

Oh well, its still out there if anyone wants it.

To Said Member: Rest assured, I'll write your Name down, and be SURE not to "bother" you again.

Re: Whats wrong with some people?

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 9:43 pm
by RC Chick
monster the gold motor plate you need, I have one but its not a NIP. It has wear if you want a pic send me a pm.

Re: Whats wrong with some people?

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 10:49 pm
by Halgar
You just have to have a "who cares" kind of attitude about it. Yes, it's a bit annoying when it happens, but the fact of the matter is, it happens. I had someone interested in a few items I had not long ago. We agreed on a price, said he had to wait a week until payday. No problem ... unfortunately, never heard from him again. Oh well.

Re: Whats wrong with some people?

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 11:00 pm
by Eau Rouge
Internet dealings are a strange game, for sure. Sometimes they work out, sometimes not. Easy come, easy go. Don't get too wrapped up in when they fall through or don't work out.

BUT, the cool little interpersonal communication feature in this forum called a PM stands for PRIVATE Message. Don't you think it's a little tacky to drag your dirty laundry onto the public board in plain sight? If nothing else, it's poor taste to essentially call someone out for a miscommunication or a deal gone awry. You did everything but name the other party involved, though it sounds like you'd enjoy doing so. :roll: Not cool in my book...

Re: Whats wrong with some people?

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 10:20 am
Eau Rouge wrote:Internet dealings are a strange game, for sure. Sometimes they work out, sometimes not. Easy come, easy go. Don't get too wrapped up in when they fall through or don't work out.

BUT, the cool little interpersonal communication feature in this forum called a PM stands for PRIVATE Message. Don't you think it's a little tacky to drag your dirty laundry onto the public board in plain sight? If nothing else, it's poor taste to essentially call someone out for a miscommunication or a deal gone awry. You did everything but name the other party involved, though it sounds like you'd enjoy doing so. :roll: Not cool in my book...
Sounds like the 2 of you are probably "friends", to me. Others seem to "understand" my frustration, and Im sure wouldnt want to be treated as I was. You must be one of those folks who think "it aint cheatin if you dont get caught". So, if someone was on this Forum harrassing others, in whatever way may harrass them (that would different for each one of us Im sure), as long as its done through PMs, no one should say anything?....riiight. THATS whats "Not cool in my book..." As far as "miscommunication", I tried to "talk" with them about it, but THEY stopped communicating with ME, when I ask what "was wrong" with them. They didnt even read my last PM, until I posted here.
All I did was decide to wait and see what other options I might be able to come up with, and didnt want to just say, "Nah, forget it". Its been made clear that this MIP is worth more than a Stealth, and a few plastic bits.
Someone made me an offer, then went to UP it, but came back with a cut DOWN offer. I said "I would just wait", and politely gave them the reason why, so I wouldnt be just "blowing them off". They tried to tell me where I was wrong, and I stuck with what I had decided, so they proceeded to "chastise" me, and you come along and say Im just supposed to "take it quietly"??...and Im the "tacky" one??

I guess if you say so...

Re: Whats wrong with some people?

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 10:31 am
by Eau Rouge
First of all, I don't even know who you are referring to or talking about, and YES, you have little tact for bringing this to the public forums. That's my opinion—deal with it.

Second of all, how exactly were you harassed in any way? Everything that you so discretely posted didn't look like anything other than a deal that didn't click for both parties. Who cares?

These are toy cars we play with, and in the big picture, not worth getting as worked up over as you seem to be getting. Do us all a favor and put the MIP diff on eBay, stop whining and be done with it.

Geesh. :roll:

Re: Whats wrong with some people?

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 11:02 am
Eau Rouge wrote:First of all, I don't even know who you are referring to or talking about, and YES, you have little tact for bringing this to the public forums. That's my opinion—deal with it.

Second of all, how exactly were you harassed in any way? Everything that you so discretely posted didn't look like anything other than a deal that didn't click for both parties. Who cares?

These are toy cars we play with, and in the big picture, not worth getting as worked up over as you seem to be getting. Do us all a favor and put the MIP diff on eBay, stop whining and be done with it.

Geesh. :roll:
"Who cares?"? You sure as hell seem to, or you wouldnt spend so much time here. If you dont know them, and you sure dont know me (yes, yes, Im sure you "wouldnt want to" :roll: ), then dont come here and read/post about it. If you continue to come here and read and get your feathers all ruffled....THEN YOU "DEAL WITH IT". I was just passing along information, and replying to you being "worked up" (if you werent, you could have just kept your mouth shut).
If I was "worked up", I'd say something like, "I got your whine, right here, HANGIN!!!"

Re: Whats wrong with some people?

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 11:05 am
by templeofspeed


Re: Whats wrong with some people?

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 11:06 am
by shodog
I think people need to calm down on this issue. No need to sweat the petty because it's far more fun to pet the sweaty.

Re: Whats wrong with some people?

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 11:08 am
by Dr. Robotnik
Woah dude, relax it's just toy cars and stuff, you are getting more worked up than poor old qtires used to. :lol: Where is he anyway? I thought he'd turn up when the rear spring cups were found, with an I told you so! :roll:

I am sure it'll all work itself out MONSTER and you'll get the parts you are after. Remember no-one's perfect and sometimes people for whatever reason don't go through with deals. It's not the end of the world. Chill bro!

^Just realised it might sound like I was excusing my own actions but I have nothing to do with this :lol:

Re: Whats wrong with some people?

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 11:09 am
by Tadracket
I was sent an email today of a marine handing a little boy, may 10 years old, a folded American flag. The boy was fighting back the tears as hard as he could. His daddy was killed in battle, defending our rights to do as we please, even here.

Was bringing this subject to a thread the right thing to do? I don't think so, but that is my opinion. But you have the right to do so. Was the way this deal went down cool? I don't think so. But the unnamed person you were dealing with had the right to back out of the deal. Even if it is the wrong thing to do.

You have to take the good with the bad. If you see the best in everyone, everyone will see the best in you.

Does all this matter in the end when we stand before the almighty and explain our actions? Yes it does. And believe you me, what goes around comes around. Let it be, bro. That person will get what is coming to them. It is the balance of nature.

Now let's all take in a deep breathe of humility and be thankful for our fortunes and those that make that possible.


Re: Whats wrong with some people?

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 11:10 am
by mrlexan
Guys, this conversation is really going no where. If you have a disagreement with something, please take it off line and revert to PMs.