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Battery Bugs? (dischargers)

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:20 am
by hardenedways
Random topic I know but...
Would anyone know where I might be able to find a Gecko discharger?
These don't seem to be made anymore or at least they're not available in the paces I've checked.

I've always known these things as "battery bugs". I have a red one and a yellow one that are little circuit boards dipped in some sort of hard casing. I'd be interested to know who made these.

Are there any "bugs" still available? I'm not sure if these actually do anything but there's a light and lights are always cool. :lol: The only thing close I can find is this Orion Discharger

Thanks as always!!

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:06 am
by bscotti
I have one of those dischargers. It is sooooooooooooo slooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww to do it's job. It's got to be a half amp or so cause it doesn't even get warm. From what I've learned over the last few months, it's best to discharge your batteries at a amperage draw similar to what your motor is pulling. It seems that 30amps is a typical number. If you have your heart set on a Gecko, drop me a line and you can have mine!