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why are all r/c kits ready to run now

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:45 am
by integra22t
after seeing a thread by gomachv and i started to rember how much fun it was unboxing the kit and puting the car together

ive been playing with the idea of picking up a new RC10B4.2RS and the only thing i dont like is it comes rtr :(

i want to build it and add my little tweeks to it

Re: why are all r/c kits ready to run now

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:48 am
by GoMachV
Because put quite simply, this is not really a "hobby" anymore, it's just a toy to pass the time with. When it breaks you rely on YouTube to replace a shock screw cause you don't know which way to turn the screwdriver.

Makes me sick

And that's why I treasure my kits. It's becoming a lost hobby. The projects on here by all the members are a nod back to our early days where you tried different things and all the cars were not cookie cutters. That's why RC10Talk is RAD!

Re: why are all r/c kits ready to run now

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:55 am
by integra22t
my hats off to you for being able to find unopen kits and not tearing into them when you first get them .. i had and build the rc10l in your thread and rember all the little problems trying to build the kit

makes me want to get a new kit take picts of it comming apart .. bag the pices and make a build sheet so i can build it like old times lol

Re: why are all r/c kits ready to run now

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 12:04 pm
by GoMachV
Another member did something similar, it was very cool. He took it apart, cleaning and bagging the parts as he went and gave it to his child to build from the instructions.

Those kits of mine will be built over time, I sometimes need a pick-me-up and building a vintage kit is perfect.

Re: why are all r/c kits ready to run now

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 12:24 pm
by Johnboy72
Because society as a whole is getting lazy and stupid. :lol:

Re: why are all r/c kits ready to run now

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 12:32 pm
by 1300GT
I think it's a sign of the times. It's the "I want it and I want it now!" mentality. Not everyone's like this, but it seems that a higher percentage of people are these days. One thing that always makes me laugh is seeing service fees in hobby shops. If people built their cars/buggies then they would save themselves money and actually learn something in the process.

Re: why are all r/c kits ready to run now

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 12:40 pm
by GoMachV
I was in the store a couple days ago and a customer wanted to do a camo paint scheme. After collecting the paints and liquid mask he asked how to do it. After explaining that you had to let the mask dry and how to peel off layers etc they ended up buying one can of paint and no mask. Lol.

Re: why are all r/c kits ready to run now

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 12:59 pm
Because for most manufacturers if they only sold kits they would not be in business. The RTR cars are aimed at the biggest segment of the market, because that's what they want and it's cheaper than buying a kit and all the parts to go in it. A lot of it is the instant gratification, you get it home and an hour later you can be running it, no one wants to spend 3-4 evenings putting a kit together. Considering people these days are intimidated with changing a plug on a toaster and have problems screwing Ikea furniture together, if the only option is a kit the vast majority of r/c car buyers would spend their money elsewhere. Even Tamiya has had to produce ready built versions of their cars. It's nothing new, way back in the 80s in the run up to Christmas I would spend every spare hour I had building kits up for my local hobby shop, it paid for my own Christmas present to myself each year.
In the case of the B4.2, any racer will go for the FT kit version anyway as the RTR version is a considerably lower spec with not that many parts shared with the proper B4.2.

It might not seem so, but it's cheaper for manufacturers to supply ready built cars than to supply it in kit form. If it is already built the manufacturer knows all the parts are in there so they don't need quality control to weigh each box to check it is complete. They don't have to pay for all the separate parts to be bagged up, or pay for the bags themselves, or deal with customers contacting them about missing or broken parts that is more down to build issues than lack of quality control.
They don't have to deal with customers messing up building it, I remember many times having an irate customer in the shop because the Tamiya kit they had put together didn't work. Usually it was quicker to dismantle it entirely and start again than try and work out what they had done wrong and you weren't expected to charge for sorting it out for them.

Re: why are all r/c kits ready to run now

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:15 pm
by uniquenamehere
Johnboy72 wrote:Because society as a whole is getting lazy and stupid. :lol:
Came to post this, but you beat me to it! :)

Re: why are all r/c kits ready to run now

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:18 pm
by GoMachV
I think we are headed the ways of Idiocracy. Love that movie


Re: why are all r/c kits ready to run now

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:23 pm
by integra22t
i can only hope if they re relese the rc10 again it will not be rtr

Re: why are all r/c kits ready to run now

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:31 pm
by GoMachV
Oh, your out of the loop! It's being rereleased in about a month! And it will be a kit.

Link to 100 page thread

Re: why are all r/c kits ready to run now

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:47 pm
by integra22t
yep lets just say ive been a coma from 97 to today .. its funny to see stuff like mid motor trying to make a come back .. i rember trying it on my rc10 back in the early 90's and didnt like it

Re: why are all r/c kits ready to run now

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 2:03 pm
by markbt73
You know, it's not just the lack of kits. Even if something like a Slash were available as a kit, its interest to me would still be limited, because it's really just a few intricate molded plastic pieces screwed together. And apart from some specific dimensions, its competitors are exactly the same design. I miss the cast aluminum and flat fiberglass and awkward assemblies of tiny parts that used to make up old cars. Heck, there are times when I even miss mechanical speed controls; these days "setting up" a car consists of pushing a button and watching a light blink. No skill, imagination, artistry, aptitude, or talent required.

Re: why are all r/c kits ready to run now

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 9:13 am
by ralphee
Its quite funny this topic. Just the other day, i was wiring up my Dynastorm, and Works '91, even built a couple of packs, and my eldest lad asked me "how do you know how to do that, with no instructions"?
I told him, its just years of experience doing it, that i know what goes where, and i just route and solder, just comes natural. Its like a lost art these days, everything is RTR, pre packed and painted and i feel the younger generation, don't really learn a lot.
Having a big modelling background, it goes the same, it seems even aircraft modeling these days is a dark art, replaced by the generic Wifi games console or Smart Phone, its pretty sad TBH, as so many kids, don't get to learn such a wonderful craft.
