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eBay Germany Worlds Car beater

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:47 am
by Minicooper 35
Hi guys.

I found this on the other weekend on fleeBay Germany. Cost me around 90 Euros (125 US$) including shipping. I stole it on Saturday and it arrived just a week later which is pretty fast I guess.

Parts are of two different auctions. The worlds car cost be around 58 Euros (with a set of front wheels, tyres and a rear set), the parts came for 26 Euros. Nice find I think as it contains a set of new 6371 universals, spurs, six 3/8'' x 1/4'' and four 3/16'' x 3/8'' bearing plus some other stuff like pinions and a gear cover.

The car itself is pretty beat up on the first glance with cut down chassis, a "nice" motorguard and brittle doublesided tape on the chassisplate but I think this will change after a good soak with benzine and some clorix on the white parts. My plan is to make it a racer like Siebenelch's (Michael) as I think his car is a pretty cool one and I need a 2WD car for this years indoor racing season. The old tub cars always handled very well and it will be nice to see how it will do againts the newer cars. I will try and keep you guys updated about that.

That's for now, back to work ...



Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 3:29 pm
by Minicooper 35
Hi everybody.

I am very proud to anounce: my update! Ta-da!

Although it looked not that bad on the first glance after taling it abpart the WC showed some very dirty and grimey areas. Plus, there are some strange colourings on the chassis. Anyone knows where they may come from? I guess that an extensive use of brake or motorcleaner may be the reason. Anyway - here are some more piccies.



Re: eBay Germany Worlds Car beater

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 5:03 pm
by germanrc10gt
hi sebastian,

hab den rc10 auch gesehen und wollte ursprünglich bieten, aber ich hab mittlerweile zu viele projekte,
die bislang mehr in meinem kopf existieren, und viele zu viele teile und autos... well i buy more than i can build :lol:

die bilder sind ziemlich gut. welche camera benutzt du, wenn ich fragen darf. ich bin auf der suche nach ner neuen,
aber ich kann mich nicht entscheiden. jeden tag kommen 10 neue dazu, die immer flacher, immer mehr pixels, immer größere displays haben. irgendeine empfehlung?


Re: eBay Germany Worlds Car beater

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 5:11 pm
by mikedealer
the purplish discoloration might of came from some sort of sharpie permanent marker, on a black chassis when it used to get scratched up real bad, i used to see guys "touch it up" with a sharpie, and after a while it turns purple ish

Re: eBay Germany Worlds Car beater

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 6:12 pm
by Minicooper 35
Hmm, to me it looked just "rubbed away" rather that rubbed away and repainted with a marker. Anyway, since it will be a runner I don't care that much about it. Just wondered what might be the reason.

Hi Volker!

Die Bilder sind mit einer Canon EOS D60 und 28-80mm-Objektiv entstanden. Letzteres ist schon etwas klapprig, weshalb die Bilder auch nicht mehr ganz knackscharf sind - leider. Im Vergleich zu 400Ds oder auch den aktuellen Nikon wie der D80 fällt die schon ein wenig ab, wenn es um die Farbwiedergabe oder die Bildschärfe geht. Mit einem vernünftig eingestellten Objektiv ist aber viel rauszuholen.
Wenn Du auf der Suche nach einer Kompakten bist, so schaue Dir mal die Sony Cybershots an. Meine Schwägerin hatte die Cybershot DCS P41? (bin unsicher). Die hat für ihr Geld und ihre 4 MPixel ziemlich gute Fotos gemacht. Ich denke, die neuen Modelle sind da noch ein Stück besser.

Sorry for the German blablabla guys! :mrgreen:

Re: eBay Germany Worlds Car beater

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 4:36 am
by Dr. Robotnik
I still think it looks great mate, don't be put off by all the dirt and grime, underneath all that it should be ok. Just soak it all in washing up liquid and very hot water for a long time to soften up all the dirt and then wipe away. Other oils and marks can be removed with thinners and it should turn out looking very nice with some elbow grease.

Re: eBay Germany Worlds Car beater

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 4:44 am
by Minicooper 35
No worries! I will give it a try this evening maybe. A toothbrush and a little drop of clorix will help too I guess. Opened the Stealth tranny yesterday evening and it looks ok too. Not too much wear beside the diff rings and the balls maybe but the base is still in ok condition. :) Even the outdrives are not too worn ...

Just received a couple of NIB f/r B2 rims so I need some B2 driveshafts and maybe the RC10T rear uprights to refurbish the rear end.

I am still not sure if I will use a Protech or a Sidewinder body on that one ... :?:



Re: eBay Germany Worlds Car beater

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 4:49 am
by Dr. Robotnik
What's clorix? Is it Chlorine bleach? I'd be careful if it is as I have heard bleach in a little time can burn white parts slightly orange, I have great success just using washing up liquid and hot water. Good luck.

BTW I vote for an original Protech 8)

Re: eBay Germany Worlds Car beater

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 5:18 am
by Minicooper 35
Yepp, chlorine bleach. I got that tip from a TC Club Member. Worked well on the Graphite Car I posted some time ago. In Germany we have also a mixture that is called "White Stone" which is actual chalk mixed with some cleaning solvents to create a slightly wet "cream". That works fine in case the dirt is not "soaked" too badly into the parts. Will post a pic of the can a bit later in case I can find it. Maybe you have something similar in the UK.

Re: eBay Germany Worlds Car beater

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 8:59 am
by Minicooper 35
While tidying up the camera I found a pic of the Stealth tranny I forgot to post yesterday evening ...


Re: eBay Germany Worlds Car beater

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 1:59 pm
by germanrc10gt
arrggg ich hatte schon gedacht ..." hoffentlich postet er nicht, er hat die bilder mit einer eos oder so gemacht..."
soviel knete wollte ich eigentlich nicht ausgeben. aber jetzt wo ich das sehe, überlege ich doch vielleicht in etwas höherwertiges zu investieren als in eine 08/15 150 euro cam. mal sehen. die bilder werden jedenfalls hier zu begutachten sein. danke!


Re: eBay Germany Worlds Car beater

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 2:07 pm
by shodog
germanrc10gt wrote:arrggg ich hatte schon gedachtet ..." hoffentlich postet er nicht, er hat die bilder mit einer eoos oder so gemacht..."
soviel nete wollte ich eigentlich nicht ausgeben. aber jetzt wo ich das sehe, überlege ich doch vielleicht in etwas höherwertiges zu investieren als in eine 08/15 150 euro cam. mal sehen. die bilder werden jedenfalls hier zu begutachten sein. danke!

Posting in German kinda defeats the intent of this english based message board.

Re: eBay Germany Worlds Car beater

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 4:08 pm
by Asso_man!
shodog wrote:
germanrc10gt wrote:arrggg ich hatte schon gedachtet ..." hoffentlich postet er nicht, er hat die bilder mit einer eoos oder so gemacht..."
soviel nete wollte ich eigentlich nicht ausgeben. aber jetzt wo ich das sehe, überlege ich doch vielleicht in etwas höherwertiges zu investieren als in eine 08/15 150 euro cam. mal sehen. die bilder werden jedenfalls hier zu begutachten sein. danke!

Posting in German kinda defeats the intent of this english based message board.

I must agree Jim, there are many nationalities here and everybody does it's best so that everyone else understands, I can't understand that attitude either, the minimum would at least to translate what you type in German

Re: eBay Germany Worlds Car beater

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 4:58 pm
by germanrc10gt
ok guys,

sorry for this capital crime. won't do it again. i do know this is one u.s. forum. should have sent him one pm on this. actually after around 50 hits or so and no comments on sebastians pics i thougt this might become one german only conversation to make it a little easier for us dumb germans who can only speak or write in one further foreign language and this not even in perfection. ...guess i was wrong then :oops:

i just asked sebastion for the type of camera he uses. nothing serious, no offends to anyone, no german conspiracy to take over rc10talk like daimler did with chrysler, no plans on terroristic action against the u.s. either. keep 8)

Re: eBay Germany Worlds Car beater

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 6:31 pm
by shodog
I didn't think there was a German conspiracy, it's just a bit rude to exclude others out of a conversation. If it was truly a private matter, PM would be the best way to communicate with Sebastion.