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And then cancer came along....

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 1:17 am
by Bormac
We've only recently found out that my wife has cancer. We are currently in a state of shock, my wife is still young at 30 years old and has just been diagnosed with stage 2 Hodgkins Lymphoma. Whilst she is in no pain there is discomfort with a mass growing in her neck and chest that urges her to cough on occasion.

What this means is Chemo and Radiation therapy for a yet to be determined length of time. I am new to this whole thing and am learning what I can to get up to speed. With a young family our two boys aged 9 months and 2 years, we will need help from family whilst my wife undergoes therapy.

Essentially this means moving states back to live with her parents where we can get the support we need. Sadly all the work I've put into my business up on the Gold Coast will come to an end. We are spoilt with a great lifestyle and a large social network of friends which will also be missed.

I make this post not as a means to earn pity but to hopefully let you guys know what I am and will be going through now and in the future. I value my friendships here and want to apologise ahead of time if my behaviour comes across a little more odd than usual as the months march on.

Cheers- Jason

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 1:21 am
by JPAE07
Jason very sorry to hear the news. You both are in my prayers.

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 1:28 am
by GoMachV
Sorry To hear this :( if you need a support group you know we are all here for ya. :(

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 1:36 am
by MelvinsArmy
Sorry to hear this. I just lost a cousin to Hodgkins last week.

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 2:35 am
by Hcp22
Sorry to hear this Jason, my thoughts goes to you and your family.

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 4:26 am
by Lonestar
Jason, sorry to hear this... now with lots of love and support things will work out ok and some time from now i hope you and your wife in full health and kids can look at what happened and think about how it made you stronger

hang in there

best from Switzerland

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 5:19 am
by Seabass

I am sorry to hear about this and I know you have the ability to remain strong for your family through the tough times.

If there is anything you may need, please make sure you let us know.


Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 7:21 am
by marlo
Sorry to hear this, my prayers go out to you, and your family.

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 7:47 am
by RC104ever
Stay strong for your wife and kids! It is going to be hard at times, no doubt but we will all be here praying for you and your family.

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 8:20 am
by scr8p
ugh.... that sucks. so sorry to hear that. we'll be praying for your family.

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 8:42 am
by rc10johnny
Wow Jason! SORRY for your bad news..its such a shame that bad things happen to good people and the bad ones "nothing" I will be thinking of you guys!!!!!!! Johnny

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 8:57 am
by 328isjohn
Cancer SUCKS...stay positive and stay strong !!!!

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 10:09 am
by limestang
Hi Jason, my wife underwent stage 2 colon cancer surgery over Christmas, and my mother underwent stage 4 oral cancer treatment 2 years ago. Both are cancer survivors!!! I can really relate to what you are feeling. I recommend researching top cancer treatment hospitals for this type of cancer and getting treatment. On the web there are sites that rank the success rate of each cancer center. There is a big difference between treatment centers. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 10:14 am
by limestang

Jason here is one of the sites I used. I hope this helps.


Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 10:27 am
Wow I can't imagine what it must feel like to get news like that, but they are doing amazing things these days so stay positive. Thoughts and prayers with your family.