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KO Digiace KR-283

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 1:02 am
by duder1982
I found a KO-Digiace Kr-283 receiver in my parts box, is this worth keeping around or should I say is this worth trying to find a transmitter for, if so any transmitters that come to mind for it. I all ready have a motor and esc, I guess I would need a transmitter, and a servo for this car i am fixing up. What do you folks think.


Re: KO Digiace KR-283

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 6:33 am
by tamiya
KR-283 afaik should be a basic AM unit, any AM xtal & transmitter should work.
Just need it to be in the right band 27/29/36/40/72mHz

If yours has the old big square plug, the wire sequence is DIFFERENT
to modern smaller Futaba J-type lineup. The middle lead is -ve
and you WILL blow servo or RX up if plugged in wrong way
or if plugging in a later J-type/Sanwa plug without mods.