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Kyosho Outrage & Raider

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 4:56 pm
by Rc4Lyfe
Hi guys, I think I did something stupid today. I bought a vintage kyosho raider and it was missing parts so in order to check if its servos worked i plugged then into the receiver for my vintage outrage, now the receiver nor the servos in my outrage arent responding to my controller and when u plug the battery pack the engine just runs and nothing is responding. Could someone please help me sort out this problem, and please dont tell me i screwed up my reciver because these cars are both vintage.

Receiver & Radio Control Help

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:02 pm
by Rc4Lyfe
Hi guys, I think I did something stupid today. I bought a vintage kyosho raider and it was missing parts so in order to check if its servos worked i plugged then into the receiver for my vintage outrage, now the receiver nor the servos in my outrage arent responding to my controller and when u plug the battery pack the engine just runs and nothing is responding. Could someone please help me sort out this problem, and please dont tell me i screwed up my reciver because these cars are both vintage.

Re: Kyosho Outrage & Raider

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:04 pm
by urban hype
Can you tell me what type of radio equipment you have? If you could post pictures it will really help.

Re: Kyosho Outrage & Raider

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:19 pm
by Rc4Lyfe
My receiver in my outrage is Futuba FP-R122Je & the receiver in my Raider is a FP-R102 JE. The controller is a MRC. Im sorry but Im new, so I dont know quite how to post pictures yes. Thanks for your help.

Re: Kyosho Outrage & Raider

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:12 pm
by klavy69
well the good news is both rx are easy to replace if needed but a few dumb questions.

1. did the servos in the raider work when you tried them with your outrage rx?

2. are both rx 75mgh? (can't quite read the all black one)

3. did you turn the radio on?

I know they are dumb questions but gotta be asked. Check your prongs on the rx to make sure that nothing got bent over or misplugged when you did the switcharoo. #3 sounds really dumb but a seasoned vet who still runs some oldschool stick radios had a brainfart last month at one of the Not so LHS and had primarily the same thing happen. They were messing with it for a couple minutes when one of the guys asked about turning it on. It was on but the batterys were low so it didn't have the juice to send a signal more than a couple feet away...he turned about 5 shades of red but fixed it by new batterys in his tx 8) . To make a short story long..the simplest little things can be the ones that get ya...


Re: Kyosho Outrage & Raider

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:26 pm
by urban hype
Rc4lyfe, it does not look so bad. All of your in car stuff looks to be Futaba so it is all compatible. If I was to test this equipment I would use a receiver battery. Make sure that all of the batteries have a good charge in them. The only thing that concerns me is the transmitter. I am unsure it that MRC transmitter is a re-badged Futaba or some other brand. To be sure if you can borrow an old Futaba AM transmitter on 75 it would eliminate a lot of the guess work.

Re: Kyosho Outrage & Raider

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:55 pm
by Rc4Lyfe
Thanks for the assistance urban, if im reading your response correctly, youre telling me its my controller and not my receivers. I checked and both are Am futuba receivers. What I would like to know is how do I regain control of my vehicle, right now nothings responding so Im hoping I didnt burn out my receiver. The prongs are all straight and everything looks good.

Re: Kyosho Outrage & Raider

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 8:14 pm
by GoMachV
If you have a 4 cell battery holder handy it helps with the diagnosis as well.

Re: Kyosho Outrage & Raider

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 8:50 pm
by GoMachV
I like to start from scratch. Pick one servo, one receiver, and one transmitter on same frequency. Plug in RX power and turn on transmitter. See if you have a pulse when power is applied. You should. See if it responds. If it does, move the servo to the other channel. Do you have movement there? OK.....if all is good you know the RX and tx are fine. If not, swap out the receiver and crystal. Still nothing? Try another crystal set. Still nothing? Another transmitter. Keep track of combos that DO work. You can easily narrow down what works and what doesn't that way. Once you have a good working tx and RX pair, go thru and test all the servos individually. Then try any remaining parts with the known good combo, like another crystal set for example.

If you don't have a 4 cell case and are using your car as power, disconnect a motor lead so it won't run off and also make sure your battery is charged and there are no loose wires or connectors.

Re: Receiver & Radio Control Help

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:31 am
by Coelacanth you basically just connected 2 different servos to your Outrage's receiver, they didn't work, you reconnected the original 2 Outrage servos and they now don't work either?

I don't see how even a defective or dead servo could damage a receiver, servos don't output any voltage and therefore nothing goes from the servo to the receiver, if I'm not mistaken.

What brands & part numbers of servos & receivers do both cars have? That info could be helpful. Maybe someone else can shed more light on this.

EDIT: Doh, I see you already created a duplicate post on this topic. Maybe a moderator can delete or merge this topic with this one:

Re: Kyosho Outrage & Raider

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:38 am
by Coelacanth
I had a comment for this in your duplicate post in the RC Tech section, but basically I said I didn't think it was possible for servos to damage a receiver, as servos typically don't output anything electrically. They only receive voltage and convert it into movement. Nothing goes from the servo back to the receiver.

As both cars seem to have BEC (battery eliminator circuitry, i.e. no receiver battery pack), try a different battery or make sure one of them is fully charged. I've had cases where a weak battery caused weird behavior in servos & receiver. Those look like old batteries so don't assume they're working up to snuff.

Re: Receiver & Radio Control Help

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:13 pm
by Russ Winn
Coelacanth wrote:I don't see how even a defective or dead servo could damage a receiver, servos don't output any voltage and therefore nothing goes from the servo to the receiver, if I'm not mistaken.
You are correct, sir.

I have both of those receivers, and they're on 75Mhz. If RC4Lyfe was swapping around radio gear (and swapping crystals), there could also be a problem with those. I had a crystal break a peg internally, and stopped working altogether. Make sure they're known good crystals and plugged in fully....Just another little thing to check.

Re: Receiver & Radio Control Help

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:04 pm
by urban hype
Rc4lyfe, smell your receivers, if you burned them they will smell for sure. Most AM equipment is compatible. I do know of exceptions for example Airtronics/Sanwa does not work well with other brands. Did any of your stuff work before the swap? My concern is that that MRC transmitter is an odd brand radio and will not work with the futaba receivers that you have. I know that MRC did not make any of there own stuff you just have to figure out who made it for them. The best way to trouble shoot this is to use known good equipment. If you live in the GTA PM me and I can help you out.