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how you getting ready for storm sandy?

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 7:12 pm
by longboardnj
got my snacks,canned food,water and i went to get d cell bats for a light and everyone was sold out (besides a gas station that wants $6 for 2 cells!) i have 2 mini lights that take 3 aaa bats but dont think they will last that long. so i got an idea,i set up my axial dingo with its 6 leds. charged up some packs and i should have axial lights for weeks!

Re: how you getting ready for storm sandy?

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 7:17 pm
by MelvinsArmy
I bought some of those inflatable water wings for my arms and some swimming goggles. I'm all set.

Re: how you getting ready for storm sandy?

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 7:37 pm
by longboardnj
MelvinsArmy wrote:I bought some of those inflatable water wings for my arms and some swimming goggles. I'm all set.

Re: how you getting ready for storm sandy?

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 8:14 pm
by rc10johnny
Good Idea on the RC lights :shock: gonna charge some batts :lol:"Oh" yeah this was in the front yard :shock: Image

Re: how you getting ready for storm sandy?

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 10:10 pm
by Timmy2Tracks
longboardnj wrote:got my snacks,canned food,water and i went to get d cell bats for a light and everyone was sold out (besides a gas station that wants $6 for 2 cells!) i have 2 mini lights that take 3 aaa bats but dont think they will last that long. so i got an idea,i set up my axial dingo with its 6 leds. charged up some packs and i should have axial lights for weeks!
Now that's something I wouldn't have thought of doing. I will be surely loosing power for at least a day or so, and would love to just have the Wraith sitting on the counter lighting the way while I make dinner...

Re: how you getting ready for storm sandy?

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 12:17 am
by longboardnj
Timmy2Tracks wrote:
longboardnj wrote:got my snacks,canned food,water and i went to get d cell bats for a light and everyone was sold out (besides a gas station that wants $6 for 2 cells!) i have 2 mini lights that take 3 aaa bats but dont think they will last that long. so i got an idea,i set up my axial dingo with its 6 leds. charged up some packs and i should have axial lights for weeks!
Now that's something I wouldn't have thought of doing. I will be surely loosing power for at least a day or so, and would love to just have the Wraith sitting on the counter lighting the way while I make dinner...
yea i even changed out the stock esc to a old futaba cause the stock axial esc beeps without the radio on. this way i can use the truck just for light no radio on needed

Re: how you getting ready for storm sandy?

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 12:58 am
by SRTracer121
sandy just moved through here this weekend, wasnt bad at all here in sfl, some heavy heavy gusts and a lot of rain, though not nearly as much as that last one that came through this summer (already forget the name). infact the weather thats followed all day today was glorious, best weather of the year so far.

unless your in a low lying area i say plan for a hurricane party, beer, grills, and sideways rain, what more do you need?

Re: how you getting ready for storm sandy?

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 1:28 am
I hope it's not as bad as they say for you guys. Big storms and power outages are a major pain in the ass. We get our fair share here in the mid-west. I see by turning on the news that the weather men all have their boners sticking out of their raincoats. :roll: Hope everyone makes out ok. Please error on the side of safety.

Re: how you getting ready for storm sandy?

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 2:40 am
by LTO_Dave
I'm not sure what PA will see, but we've got the usual storm supplies ready: big generator & extension cords, plenty of oil lanterns & flash lights, portable USB charger/light/power inverter boxes, bottled water, food, etc.

Here's a satellite pic of the storm I found while checking the weather:


Re: how you getting ready for storm sandy?

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 11:30 am
by MelvinsArmy
They've announced that they're shutting down the subway at 7 tonight and some of the bridges and tunnels. Looks like I might be sitting this one out at home. I also heard that there might be a bunch of snow that comes with it.

Re: how you getting ready for storm sandy?

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 1:07 pm
by Timmy2Tracks
Snow? I hope not, because it will be too windy to run my Blizzards! Haha

I am inland from the coast here in RI, in a pretty hill area. I sit in a low spot, so the wind is not as bad as it is up the hill near me. I do own a business in Newport, which is right on the ocean. I always worry about all my glass on the storefront there...

Re: how you getting ready for storm sandy?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:44 am
by lowrydesign
Im not doing a damn thing, got my MREs and lots of guns and ammo, so im set. LoL
i feel the weather service likes to blow these things out of proportion, look at last years Irene... It was way more of a storm, an nothing happen that crazy...

Re: how you getting ready for storm sandy?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:41 pm
by slotcarrod
Be very careful to underestimate the power of a hurricane. I have had the unfortunate experience of going through a few like David, Allen, Katrina and the worst Gilbert. I have had my roof lift off right over my head 2 hours prior to Gilbert landing. Being pounded by high winds and rain for many hours and then dead calm when the eye went over. No wind, no rain and parts of blue sky with a wall of cloud. That is damn freaky! We all went out side the concrete roofed workshop to look. It was bad, every thing was torn up and destroyed. In what only seemed like a few minutes, the back side of the hurricane was rushing down the mountains. You could see what was left of bamboo and large trees bend like twigs as the wind rushed down. Then we had to wait again for what seemed like forever to pass. I don't know the exact time but I'm sure it was 4 or 5 hours before the wind was low enough to safely go outside.

There were no leaves on any tree or bush, the hills with 6 foot tall elephant grass was stripped bare. Normally you could look across the valleys and see nothing but green trees and tall green grass. Now it was just wet brown dirt and tree trunks. It looked like a war zone. I did not see one house in my region that was not damaged. The rain never quit and the land slides blocked all the mountain roads for many days even weeks. No water for weeks, no power for months. Had to get water from a spring and boil it! We were lucky to have a generator, but had to sleep on lawn furniture as all the beds were soaked, no sun for days to try and dry anything, no roof anyway. Got very sick from drinking bad water. Not a fun time.

I live in Calgary now! What's a hurricane??? :P I don't miss the earthquakes either! :lol:

Hope you guys all stay safe!

Re: how you getting ready for storm sandy?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:18 pm
by Hcp22
Yeah, take care guys and be aware! :)

Re: how you getting ready for storm sandy?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 5:28 pm
by Mazdaj
12.5 gallons of gas for generator, 6pk. of sams latitude ipa 48 for wife, 12 pk. of bud for me...other than that nothing. Real windy here... we'll see what the overnight brings!