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Techno-guys Please Apply Within

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:48 pm
by Halgar
Is anyone familiar with the creation of .pdf files? I need to insert dynamic files (i.e. calculators ) into .pdf files that I'm creating. Is this possible, and how?

Thanks for the assistance.

Re: Technogeeks Please Apply Within

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:09 pm
by Tadracket
Never saw anyone do that with a pdf :?
If it works out, let me know.
Why are you using pdf?

Re: Technogeeks Please Apply Within

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:11 pm
by Halgar
Because it's a standardized format for electronic books, the reader is free, and nearly everyone has it on their computer. I hope there is a means to doing this, it will make the book I'm working on extremely unique.

Re: Technogeeks Please Apply Within

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:57 pm
by mikedealer
not possible with pdf's, but ive done it with Flash and gave people a link to a website or the flash file itself to run locally. I made a mortgage calculator once for a company and made it a flash file. Of course it could be done with some HTML Programming also, but might require some sort of scripted backend or something, i just went the flash route and it worked fine. i can find the links if you wanna see the capabilities

Re: Technogeeks Please Apply Within

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:59 pm
by Tadracket
You could use excel. Microsoft offers free viewer now and excel is capable of just about anything, with a little work.

Re: Technogeeks Please Apply Within

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:04 pm
by Halgar
If this helps, supposedly there is a way to do it using java script. Looking at the code for the webpage it uses a script.

Mike, we're working of developing a website that will include pages that have the calculators and other dynamic items.

This is the code for one of the calculators:

Code: Select all

<table style="width: 200px; border: 1px solid #253460; padding: 0; background-color: #dddddd;">

<TD colspan=3 style="text-align: center; background-color: #253460; font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans serif; font-size: 12px; color: #FFFFFF;"><B>General Information Calculator</B></TD>


<TD STYLE="font-size: 100%;">			
<FORM NAME="generalcalculator" ACTION="" METHOD="GET">
<TR><TD STYLE="width: 70%;"><B>Type of grain:</B></TD><TD></TD><TD><SELECT NAME="graintype" ID="graintype" length="10"><OPTION VALUE="6">Sorghum<OPTION VALUE="5">Rice<OPTION VALUE="4">Wheat<OPTION VALUE="3">Barley<OPTION SELECTED VALUE="2">Corn<OPTION VALUE="1">Other</SELECT></TD></TR><P>

<TR><TD STYLE="width: 70%;"><B>Size of boiler:</B></TD><TD STYLE="width: 30%;"> <INPUT TYPE="text" ID="boilersize" NAME="boilersize" VALUE="190" SIZE="4"></TD><TD><SELECT NAME="boilermetric" ID="boilermetric"><OPTION SELECTED VALUE="2">Gallons<OPTION VALUE="1">Liters</SELECT></TD></TR><P>
<TR><TD STYLE="width: 70%;"><B>Fermentation percentage:</B></TD><TD STYLE="width: 30%;"> <INPUT TYPE="text" ID="fermentpercent" NAME="fermentpercent" VALUE="17" SIZE="4"></TD><TD><SELECT NAME="fermentmetric" ID="fermentmetric"><OPTION SELECTED VALUE="2">Percent</SELECT></TD></TR><P>

<TR><TD style="text-align: center; background-color: #253460; font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans serif; font-size: 12px; color: #FFFFFF;" colspan=3><B>Results:</B></TD></TR>
<TR><TD colspan=1><B>Water to begin with:</B></TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" ID="dilutesize" NAME="dilutesize" SIZE="4"></TD><TD><SELECT NAME="dilutemetric" ID="dilutemetric"><OPTION SELECTED VALUE="1">Gallons<OPTION VALUE="2">Liters</SELECT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD colspan=1><B>Weight of grain to begin with:</B></TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" ID="feedstocksize" NAME="feedstocksize" SIZE="4"></TD><TD><SELECT NAME="dextrinmetric" ID="dextrinmetric"><OPTION SELECTED VALUE="1">Pounds<OPTION VALUE="2">Kilograms</SELECT></TD></TR>

<TR><TD colspan=3><CENTER><INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="calculate" Value="Calculate!" onClick="BoilerText(this.form)"></CENTER></TD></TR>



Re: Technogeeks Please Apply Within

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:06 pm
by danglenode
HI -

As far as I know that should be doable, I think more so with Acrobat 8 Professional but I am not 100% sure about the process or if it can be done. I would think if you can place it into say a word file and have the calculator stuff work it would work within a pdf. You may need to actually code the buttons and create form elements to calculate what you need. I would try to create a form and have the form calculate the items.

Hope this helps, and let us know what you came up with.

Re: Technogeeks Please Apply Within

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:10 pm
by Halgar
danglenode wrote:HI -

As far as I know that should be doable, I think more so with Acrobat 8 Professional but I am not 100% sure about the process or if it can be done. I would think if you can place it into say a word file and have the calculator stuff work it would work within a pdf. You may need to actually code the buttons and create form elements to calculate what you need. I would try to create a form and have the form calculate the items.

Hope this helps, and let us know what you came up with.
Do what? With the huh? And it will huh? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I don't know anything about Adobe products, though my partner is fairly proficient at manipulating .pdf's to suit our needs. I use Corel Wordperfect for desktop publishing, once everything is just right, the the partner converts it to a pdf document.

Re: Technogeeks Please Apply Within

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:25 pm
by SoloGraphix
Since Adobe now produces Dreamweaver, you might be able to save an HTML file out of the new dreamweaver as a PDF. Just a guess though.

Re: Technogeeks Please Apply Within

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:32 pm
by mikedealer
word perfect! yuck loL, only people i see using that nowadays is lawyers hehe

honestly i dont think acrobat 8 pro has any more features than 6-7 did, im looking at the new specs and i dont see anything at all for dynamic content.

there are a billion different calculator online and 90% of the time you can view the source and snag the code, and worst comes to worse they will save the code in a .js file and restrict permission to download it, but you can pull it from your temporary internet files and steal it that way lol. only reason i used flash was because Mac browsers were "crashing" when browsing with safari when they tried to calculate, dont ask me why lol

Re: Technogeeks Please Apply Within

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 5:05 pm
by Halgar
SoloGraphix wrote:Since Adobe now produces Dreamweaver, you might be able to save an HTML file out of the new dreamweaver as a PDF. Just a guess though.
I don't see "pdf" as an option in the save file menu. There are some active content files, however, that Adobe may recognize. I won't know without looking at the readers abilities.
mikedealer wrote:word perfect! yuck loL, only people i see using that nowadays is lawyers hehe

honestly i dont think acrobat 8 pro has any more features than 6-7 did, im looking at the new specs and i dont see anything at all for dynamic content.

there are a billion different calculator online and 90% of the time you can view the source and snag the code, and worst comes to worse they will save the code in a .js file and restrict permission to download it, but you can pull it from your temporary internet files and steal it that way lol. only reason i used flash was because Mac browsers were "crashing" when browsing with safari when they tried to calculate, dont ask me why lol
Wordperfect is better than MicroSux Word. There are other editors that might work a little better than WP, but they don't have "reveal codes", and anyone who does any amount of writing really needs this feature.

I snagged the code from the page that has the calculators I want and am saving that as an HTML file. Nifty trick for stuff you want to keep.

Thanks for all the suggestions so far, keep them coming guys, I greatly appreciate the help.

Re: Technogeeks Please Apply Within

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:04 pm
Acrobat is just a very useful document container format designed so that the document looks identical whatever operating system it is viewed on. The advantages of using pdfs is that you can control the permissions so you can control what the end user can do with it, such as print it or copy the text.

Pdfs are just static pages and they have no dynamic capabilities at all.

For something that can build a calculator in that acts as a standalone single document the ideal solution would probably be Adobe Director, but it's probably a bit over the top for what you want to use, although something built in Flash should be able to be run on just about any browser as its use is more widespread than Acrobat Reader.

Re: Technogeeks Please Apply Within

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:17 pm
by Halgar wrote:Pdfs are just static pages and they have no dynamic capabilities at all.
You're not helping, Terry! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: J/K :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: Technogeeks Please Apply Within

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:57 pm
by Halgar
New question:

If you have one cup of antifreeze solution that is say 40%, and you add 2 cups of water, what is the resultant strength of the antifreeze solution?

What is the formula for said calculation?

Re: Techno-guys Please Apply Within

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 12:51 am
by JK Racing
1 cup = 8 oz

40 % of 8 oz = 3.2 oz antifreeze.

16 oz water + 4.8 oz water = 20.8 oz water to 3.2 oz antifreeze.

so 3.2 / 20.8 = .15 or 15%

I couldnt give you a formula if my life depended on it...been out of school waaayyyy to long for that.