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Old Racer Question..No, I mean I'm the old one (not the car)

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:31 am
by Y'ernat Al
Does anyone else put a certain # piston and a certain weight oil in a particular pair of shocks, bolt them on, think to themselves these should work...but then some time passes... :roll: :roll: and then either confuse them with another pair of shocks with a different setup, or just straight up forget what's inside them?

It's probably an old guy problem, but please make me feel like I'm not the only one. Anyone solve this problem for themselves? I suppose I should religously write things down in a race/setup notebook or something, but drinking less, ginkgo biloba and other advertised solutions aren't working for me either.

Re: Old Racer Question..No, I mean I'm the old one (not the

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:57 am
by kaiser
all the damn time pal. drives me crazy and i have tons of blank setup sheets that i never fill out.
this year i pledged to use them.

Re: Old Racer Question..No, I mean I'm the old one (not the

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:11 am
by slapshot1979
Ha ha . Im only 32 and this happens to me . I have my xxx-t dialed for my driving and its on the fast side, I had a guy ask my what shock oil weights I used. I say "dunno been a few years since Ive charged em" his reply "you mean you dont change out your shock fluid for maintenence" :shock: :roll: . UM No. and he looks at me like Im the idiot.

And yes since then I change out the shock fluid on my cars even the shelfers every 3 months just to be sure :lol: :lol:

Sorry I got off topic...
Your not alone

Re: Old Racer Question..No, I mean I'm the old one (not the

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:41 am
by EvolutionRevolution
slapshot1979 wrote:Ha ha . Im only 32 and this happens to me . I have my xxx-t dialed for my driving and its on the fast side, I had a guy ask my what shock oil weights I used. I say "dunno been a few years since Ive charged em" his reply "you mean you dont change out your shock fluid for maintenence" :shock: :roll: . UM No. and he looks at me like Im the idiot.
I only change the oil if the shock starts to act funny or needs a rebuild due to damage... :oops:

Re: Old Racer Question..No, I mean I'm the old one (not the

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:59 am
by Lonestar
you aren't alone... guilty here too...

However fluids do wear out, big time... a freshly rebuilt shock with the "right" oil makes a few tenths of a difference on the track... I didn't believe it until a few years ago when I was struggling to get that last 3 or 4 tenths to the top5 guys in a DTM EP race... one of the local hotshots came to me and said " - when's the last time you rebuilt your shocks? - A couple of months ago... - ok, try changing the oil and let me know how it works". Oil changed, et voila, 3 tenths per lap. I had a cyclone at the time so shock oil change was a breeze. Now I have an xray and shock rebuild is a PITA by design... much harder to have perfect shocks, and the risk of screwing the handling with a wrongly done shock rebuilt is about as high as the con side of running older oils....

but fresh shock oils DO make a difference that's for sure!!!

On my shelfers i have absolutely no idea what's in there any more :lol:
