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last nights club race

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 4:07 pm
by farmer
well raced the old girl again last night no vintage showed up so i raced with the with the moderns,here is what happened
when i was setting up my stuff i noticed there was ALOT! of people 72 entrys (mite not be alot in your neck of the woods but here thats a GOOD! turnout) than i noticed that there was alot of kids running crystal radios, which is what im running in my goldie ,i have a 2.4 but thats in my SC. So i informed the race director that there mite be a problems tonight with radio freqz and asked him to make it clear at the drivers meetiing (at a normal club race 99.9 of the people run 2.4) so sure enough in my first heat turn my buggy on put it down walk on the drivers stand do about a half of a lap than,than like a bat out hell it takes off goes about 40 feet and slams rite into the back wall.Than hear that unmistakable pop :evil: the director asked what happened i said some one is on my channel as im walking up to my buggy which is spazzing out like a fish with convulshins on the back straight,and he is calling out to check radios it stops! i was lit but hey its racing,so after exam all that was broken was a
servo horn
so first heat done before even started
second heat here is the video [youtube]QKcneUOJrPc[/youtube]
wasnt the cleanest race but WINNER baby another notch for the vintage resurgance this was my daughter filming with my iphone and there is a spot where she starts filming some other YELLOW car than about a lap later she realize's it than gets back to the other YELLOW car lol
that not me talking,but if you can get the sound real loud you can here the race director talking about the goldpan throughout the whole race neat!
ok now to the main we had 2 heats of stock buggy total of 14 cars i TQ 4th bell rang and i was gone was able to make it to the second turn got punted into the wall droped to about 8th, but regrouped and put the hammer down! by about the 2 min mark i had worked my way back up to second had first in eye by one turn,people in the crowd was yelling ,my car has really kinda been becoming a crowd fav my buggy was working ,made it up to about one jump to first,,than i heard it................................................................................................................................................tranny crunch (im still running a 6 gear) it just limped around the corner and just stopped the crowd just moaned (no joke) i wanted to just grap throttle and make it go,but i knew it would'nt whats kinda odd but from on the drivers stand looking down at my much loved buggy it looked sad like it had given up on me like it had a look of i let you down,so i had the turn marshall put it in the infield till the race was over ,as i was sitting on the sideline waiting for the race to be over my buggy,, sitting in the infield it looked sad
but there is always next week,what was cool after the race about half of the drivers in the race came up and where concerned asking if its fixable ,what happened etc etc, which is cool in my book
ended up gernading the left gear in the tranny
well there is always next week enjoy :D

Re: last nights club race

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 4:24 pm
by Goatless
Great race and excellent driving man!! 8)

Re: last nights club race

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 4:27 pm
by farmer
Goatless wrote:Great race and excellent driving man!! 8)
hey goat thx ! where u able to get the sound up loud enough to hear race director?

Re: last nights club race

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 4:36 pm
by Goatless
Oh yes, that was awesome :lol: Especially the "karma" comment :)

Re: last nights club race

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:53 am
by littleVETTE
excellent stuff farmer, and with a bug body! never seen that on an rc10 racing. very cool.

Re: last nights club race

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:21 pm
by DHood
Very cool. Racers haven? Gonna try to make it down ther soon.

Re: last nights club race

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:40 pm
by reptilejason
most entertaining thing i've read all day! congrats on a good day at the track!

Re: last nights club race

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:29 pm
by farmer
DHood wrote:Very cool. Racers haven? Gonna try to make it down ther soon.
well it used to be HAVEN but its now called rainmans hobby and raceway (something like that) but its much much better i would not race there when it was Racers Haven because if you where not one of the inner circle you would never win and you were treated like $h!t frank the 3rd owner with the same name got into some snort! i meen stuff and blow! i meen blew it all away, so it really wasnt a racing place that i found to be geared towards family and racing ,but now that randy (rainman) has bought it and taken it over its now the premire place to race in bakersfield,im the only one running a vintage,there has been a few people that said they have them, but yet to see any,so i have to beat up on the modern buggys you should come down and race. Just call before the race rotates between oval and off-road Fri/sun/weds i like the friday off-road thats the biggest turn out and the temps are easyer to deal with
reptilejason wrote:most entertaining thing i've read all day! congrats on a good day at the track!
thx jason

Re: last nights club race

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:36 pm
by farmer
littleVETTE wrote:excellent stuff farmer, and with a bug body! never seen that on an rc10 racing. very cool.
thx vette
the reason i run the bug body is
#1 it protects the shock towers
#2 it tends to rite its self when i crash
#3 because its damn cool and to me thats what a buggy should look :wink:
i have another one that im saving when that one is beat, i think its waiting for Herbie paint job baja style

Re: last nights club race

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 9:01 am
by Diggley
farmer wrote:
littleVETTE wrote:excellent stuff farmer, and with a bug body! never seen that on an rc10 racing. very cool.
thx vette
the reason i run the bug body is
#1 it protects the shock towers
#2 it tends to rite its self when i crash
#3 because its damn cool and to me thats what a buggy should look :wink:
i have another one that im saving when that one is beat, i think its waiting for Herbie paint job baja style
8) I couldn't have said it better myself...

Re: last nights club race

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 11:43 am
by JK Racing
farmer, i didnt make it up there yesterday, did you happen to run the JBRL race? rumor was they were going to sauce the track and make it major blue groove (which means I would have needed to purchase/mount up new tires), one of the reasons I didnt make the 3 hour drive.

post up some pictures of the bug, let us see it up close.

Re: last nights club race

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 8:13 pm
by farmer
JK Racing wrote:farmer, i didnt make it up there yesterday, did you happen to run the JBRL race? rumor was they were going to sauce the track and make it major blue groove (which means I would have needed to purchase/mount up new tires), one of the reasons I didnt make the 3 hour drive.

post up some pictures of the bug, let us see it up close.
all in all it was good the track didnt take like they expected it to but it was drivable i think they had about 150 entrys total of 29 races after the heats
i didnt race i was in LA most of the day with the daughters vollyball but got back in time to see the mains ,but guess who was out there racing EUSTACE MOORE first time i have ever seen him drive we talked for awhile he remembered me from the RCX
here is some pics of my buggy
make it up here some day so we can vintage race
thx farmer

Re: last nights club race

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 10:20 pm
by askbob
Good wheelin', you need a Stealth! 8)

Re: last nights club race

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 11:07 pm
by farmer
askbob wrote:Good wheelin', you need a Stealth! 8)
ya bob its on its way i just got a pan that has the holes for the stealth, but its ganna be awhile before thats my new runner. I want to powder coat the chassis and do a few more race mods, so ill run her for a while till V2 is ready
thx farmer