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My first PC build!

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 3:23 am
by lpddpd
The family CFO gave me the green light for a new system. It's the first new one in 6 years. I'm replacing a Dell XPS system I spec'd back then. A few upgrades here and there and it still gets the job done for the most part with the Core 2 Duo 2.66 and 4 gigs memory. But I was ready for 64 bit windows instead of 32, and feeling the need for more POWER! Love Newegg. Didn't go overboard with the newest and greatest set up but kept it within budget with a I7 2700K I'll be overclocking. 16 gigs memory, ssd, a pair of video cards, water cooling and a nice Corsair 550D case. For as long as I can remember, a good computer system runs in the $2000-$3000 range with out of this world awesome being much more than that. This time, the new system is less money spent then the last. Of course I get to build it, but that's just like building a new rc kit. Fun! :D Now let's see if I can make last as long.

Re: My first PC build!

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 9:12 am
by nvxwax
Very cool,

I still have my Thermaltake Shark all aluminum full tower, It looks like you have a nice assortment of parts, I just got my Alienware laptop and already ordered a SSD drive for it, I have never used one and cant wait to see what it does for performance.

Re: My first PC build!

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:00 am
by littleVETTE
nice! defintely love building my own rigs too.

Re: My first PC build!

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:25 pm
by ireg
pic of my computer assembled by my friend :)


just sharing since i want to know more again about the new computer technologies.

Re: My first PC build!

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:28 pm
ireg wrote:pic of my computer assembled by my freind :)
I have no idea what's going on there, but I bet my porn would look awesome coming out of that thing. :mrgreen:
Looks like an old Star Trek stock photo that arf put together. 8)

Re: My first PC build!

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 1:27 am
by ireg
THEYTOOKMYTHUMB wrote: I have no idea what's going on there, but I bet my porn would look awesome coming out of that thing. :mrgreen:
Looks like an old Star Trek stock photo that arf put together. 8)
Even I, when were buying the parts, I do not know what the heck were building :lol:

Re: My first PC build!

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 1:32 am
ireg wrote:
THEYTOOKMYTHUMB wrote: I have no idea what's going on there, but I bet my porn would look awesome coming out of that thing. :mrgreen:
Looks like an old Star Trek stock photo that arf put together. 8)
Even I, when were buying the parts, I do not know what the heck were building :lol:
The only time I ever had anything close to a water cooled computer was the time I spilled a beer on my laptop. :oops:

Actually, it's happened 57 times. I simply added a drain under the CTRL button. I yell "WHOOPS!" and then go into keg stand mode. :mrgreen:

Re: My first PC build!

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:53 am
by lpddpd
Well, got it put together, browsing here on it now. No new pics yet though because I'm still working out a few kinks. Seems there is a kink in the memory somewhere. I haven't figured out if its one of the sticks, or a dimm slot yet. Started with all four slots filled, 16 GB DDR3 1600, started to install windows and it was throwing up BSOD's like crazy. All related to memory. Reversed the overclock just in case, pulled three sticks out, and windows installed no problem. So now I've got 2 sticks going and everything is fine. I'll try shutting down and swapping the other sticks and see what happens. As far as overclocking goes, its voodoo to me, but the new motherboard has a little button called OC Genie that you push, then reboot, and the cpu goes from 3.5Ghz to 4.2Ghz just like that. Cool :mrgreen: My research shows it can go out to 5Ghz and still be stable but I think that's when I need to start finding chickens and stuff to sacrifice so I think I will let it be. :lol:

Re: My first PC build!

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:16 am
by Diamond Dave
What model MB are you using?

Re: My first PC build!

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 6:04 am
by RC104ever
Wow. I've always wanted to do this but something else always comes up and it's hard to justify when all I do is surf the net.

Are you going to sell your old system? :mrgreen: I'm sure it's better than my ancient p4 1.8

Re: My first PC build!

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 6:03 pm
by lpddpd
Diamond Dave wrote:What model MB are you using?
MSI Z68A-GD80 (G3). Turns out the bsod issues are from the overclock genie button. Its doing the overclock like its suppose to, but windows just keeps giving me various errors. As soon as I turn off the overclock, windows is fine. Have all 16 gigs of memory installed now, no issues and those are clocked to 1600 Mhz. So I'll leave it for now, and see if I can manually overclock in the bios. I've been checking some OC forums to see what I can do with this.
RC104ever wrote:Wow. I've always wanted to do this but something else always comes up and it's hard to justify when all I do is surf the net.

Are you going to sell your old system? :mrgreen: I'm sure it's better than my ancient p4 1.8
That was the original plan, but I'm now thinking of connecting it to my home theater setup and using this as a HTPC. If that doesn't work out, I will be tearing it down and selling it Waffle Style. The memory, power supply, video card are all about a year old, so I think I can get some of what I spent on those back doing it that way.
ireg wrote:pic of my computer assembled by my friend :)


just sharing since i want to know more again about the new computer technologies.

That looks beefy. :shock: I went with the Corsair H100 for the simplicity and ease of installation. My building skills are not to that level. :oops:

Re: My first PC build!

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:00 am
by Lowgear
I'm eager to see the pics of it built. :) 16 gigs is a lot of memory! Its worth it though if you can afford it and your computer can handle it. Thats the only thing I skimped on that I wish I hadn't. I decided to go with 4 gigs as that seemed to be the standard and I only had a single gig in my last computer so it seemed like a big upgrade. Plus it was one of the last parts I bought for my build and I was low on money at the time and just wanted to get the thing built after taking a year to get all of the parts together. I figured since its the easiest thing to change I could always put more in later. Now I'm finding that its the bottleneck of the system as I tend to use it up quickly. Every 5 to 6 months I clean out the inside of my tower which will be due again in May. When the time comes you can bet I'll be installing the 16 gigs.

Re: My first PC build!

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 7:07 am
by RC104ever
Lol, I remember my first 386 had 256 mb of ram and a 100mb hd. :lol:

Re: My first PC build!

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:43 am
by littleVETTE
how about 14.4 modems?

Re: My first PC build!

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:29 am
by Phin
Heh first this site makes me want to get my RC10 out of the attic now it's making me want to go find my TRS-80.

What's Old is New....Commodore 64 style