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Twas the Night Before Xmas

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:29 am
by Halgar
Many years ago I started a tradition at Clodtalk where I would write a Christmas story that involved the member of our beloved site. I put forth the idea here to our sister site in hopes that a similar love and camaraderie exists here (I know it does ... ).

The premise is simple, take the story of The Night Before Christmas and change the names and events to reflect the members, builds, rivalries, and fun that exists here at RC10Talk. If you need a jump start, I offer this.

Re: Twas the Night Before Xmas

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:17 pm
Time me! 10:03 PM CST

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the forum
Not a member was posting except me sure to bore ‘em

My posts were lined up down the right with great care
In hopes that another member soon would post there

Most other members all snug in there beds
While visions of Edingers danced in their heads

My RC10 in it’s Viper and Dom in it’s Open Comp
Sit idle on shelves with haters left to stomp

When out on the board there arose such a clatter
That I sat down my beer to see what was the matter

Away to my mouse I flew like a 3 cell
Pointed and clicked and said “what the hell?”

The LCD on the keyboard so soiled in Cheetos
Gave off an orange light which I think is neato

When what to my wandering eyes should appear
A late night post from a person not near

Southern California is where this member hails
His collection is better than mine, it never fails

He posts something that has to do with period correctness
It’s all Greek to me, but it seems to be infectious

I have to admit that I love these old toy cars
If at least one member owns one then I consider it ours

Build on my r/c brethren for the last one is never in sight
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

A slightly different direction, but hey… :mrgreen:

Re: Twas the Night Before Xmas

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:28 am
by Diamond Dave

I have added my 2 cents over on Clodtalk, but this is the equal or better.

The story should continue on...

Nice job bud.

Re: Twas the Night Before Xmas

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:49 am
by Halgar
Very nice work for a guy with no thumbs. :wink: :mrgreen:

Re: Twas the Night Before Xmas

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:52 pm
by slotcarrod
Fantastic Thumbs! See what a little creative weed will do for your brain! :lol:

Re: Twas the Night Before Xmas

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:43 pm
slotcarrod wrote:See what a little creative weed will do for your brain! :lol:
It must just be residual from 14-15 years ago! :lol: Although last night would have been a good night for part 2. My boss has a killer Christmas party every year and I NEVER drink hard liquor anymore except at this party. He buys a boat load of Patron Silver Tequila. Man, that is some smooth stuff. 8) A far cry from the Jose Cuervo gold we use to shoot BITD. Needless to say, nothing but Gatorade today! :lol: And yes, my wife was driving. :mrgreen: