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Think something may of started over here!

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 12:02 pm
by Caine
We have our vintage season coming up at my local club so i've been finishing my 'old is new' car to run i it. Another member of the club is also working on the same kind of car but a bit different. I took my car ( almost complete ) down there on friday to do some work on a few people saw it and it's definatley got a lot of interest. So i think there will be a few more UK members on here soon. I'm sure this was how my addiction started!

Here's a link to the thread.

Re: Think something may of started over here!

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 12:20 pm
by nvxwax
8) I spotted one of my current builds in that link 8)

Re: Think something may of started over here!

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 1:33 pm
by 8rad
The vintage bug is spreading! :mrgreen:

No more cheap Schumachers from England. :(

Re: Think something may of started over here!

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 1:36 pm
by fredswain
I took my RC10 to a local track after work a couple of months ago. There were only 2 other cars there and they were both RC10's. I was shocked since I've never seen another RC10 running around on the tracks here but to have 3 of them out there at once and be the only cars there was a step back in time for a little while. It was pretty cool.

Re: Think something may of started over here!

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 1:41 pm
by fakiee
Definitely noticed a few more Brits on the board recently!

Re: Think something may of started over here!

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 1:11 pm
by brian s
[quote="Caine"]We have our vintage season coming up at my local club so i've been finishing my 'old is new' car to run i it. Another member of the club is also working on the same kind of car but a bit different. I took my car ( almost complete ) down there on friday to do some work on a few people saw it and it's definatley got a lot of interest. So i think there will be a few more UK members on here soon. I'm sure this was how my addiction started!

hi phil, going to be a bit of vintage competition for your rc10 on friday, looks like there will be at least six running.