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Some of my past work.............

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:44 am
by mamba max1
I'll go from oldest to most will see a progression that way. :) Also, for a few of the bodies the color choice is um, unique. That is what the customer wanted. :lol: With exclusion fromt he "mellow yellow" decal and some headlights/grills (you can tell), everything is cut by hand using liquid mask. :mrgreen: I've been painting for about 5 years (now 20).


2nd body I ever painted. Back when I was about 16. (the mellow yellow is a label....I wasn't that good :lol: ) (the date in the picture is wrong)


Painted later that year after the mellow yellow body "expired" lol


Painted around 17 or so. The angry eyes and teeth glow in the dark!


I think he is angry!


1st job for a customer. It's what he wanted.


For a customer. 1/8 car body.






For another customer. That darn "bounce" was the biggest pain to make symmetrical. :x


My personal pride and joy. This was for my e-revo. Painted 2 years ago. ALL hand cut w/ liquid mask. :)




Another for a customer. Painted about a year ago.


That's it. I havn't painted in about a year because of college. :( But, a new one for my e-revo is in the works. :)

Re: Some of my past work.............

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:58 am
by tim.sanderson
I like the ones with more simple colour schemes... this one is my fav:
and this one:
I'm not a big fan of most over-complicated paint jobs. I'm a 2/3 colour kind of guy... no fades either. :)

Re: Some of my past work.............

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:13 pm
by Qballll
I like how bright the elecrified (white lines) stands out in the 2nd picture. Nice job!


Re: Some of my past work.............

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:51 pm
by Jedi Master
Some lovely work there, well done!! 8)

Re: Some of my past work.............

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:57 pm
by Coelacanth
Some nice bold, simple paint schemes there. I think these days, too many painters try to showcase *all* their many skills in a *single* body, making it look way too busy, too many conflicting colors, etc. As talented as those guys are, there's something to be said for a simpler and cleaner paint-job. I like your paint-jobs -- with the exception of the yellow & pink/red one maybe. :mrgreen:

Re: Some of my past work.............

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 2:37 am
by mamba max1
Thanks! I really need to buy a new airbrush. The one I have really limits me. :?

Re: Some of my past work.............

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:28 am
by mamba max1
Here's the lighting on my E-Revo....sadly the body is now trashed. I loved that body so much. :( Had 20+ hours in it! :shock:
