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Your RC pic on someone elses craigslist ad?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:45 pm
by Momo5
I'm sure this has happend many time to you guys on craigslist or ebay, but its the first time its happened to me. I was just browsing craigslist looking for vintage RCs and came across this ad..

I thought it looked a little familiar....of course it does...its my truck...that I still own!


To his credit he did mention this his nitro hawk was similar to the one in the picture. I just thought it was kinda funny.

Re: Your RC pic on someone elses craigslist ad?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:09 pm
by transamman908
Better yet, They purchase the item from you, relist it for more $$ and steal your pics. Have had that happen alot with selling architectural door hardware. I guess people liked my kitchen floor as the backround :lol:

Re: Your RC pic on someone elses craigslist ad?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:34 pm
by tim.sanderson
The only thing I have had 'stolen' online (that I know of, at least) were some race videos from my YouTube account. A guy ripped them, and put them on his own account. I had youtube put a stop to that pretty quick.

It's a good looking truck BTW... can see why he used the pic. :)

Re: Your RC pic on someone elses craigslist ad?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:03 pm
by klavy69
Back when ANTR forums were going strong one of the members was browsing 1/8scale buggy on ebay and found his buggy being sold for $700+. They got the picture right off the forum board. That was pry 10 years ago but it really caused quite a stir. At least this guy said his was similar instead of going on about how he built this from scratch :| . Would kinda freak me out if I did run across a picture of mine somewhere out there though...

Re: Your RC pic on someone elses craigslist ad?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:38 pm
by purpletimbo
I found a Panda Danny Thomson truck for sale on my saved ebay searches, only to see pictures of a custom painted one I sold to a young lad near me privately, who still owns it, they were my pictures off photobucket and he described it as a 4 year old truck that cost $650 from a LHS recently :shock:

Re: Your RC pic on someone elses craigslist ad?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:41 pm
by teman
Tell him you want a cut for helping him sell the truck :lol:

Re: Your RC pic on someone elses craigslist ad?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:55 pm
by purpletimbo
I asked he admitted lifting the pics,the winner never got back to me about just what he did get in the end, and ebay didnt give a monkeys about my intelletual rights

Re: Your RC pic on someone elses craigslist ad?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:22 pm
by SRTracer121
i had an ebay seller use a picture of my trx fiero, didnt mention it was someone elses or anything, also used a really crappy vid i took the first time i ran the car.

told him he either needed to start paying me for the picture and video or he needed to pull it. could have handled it better but im very possessive of my traxxas fieros :P

Re: Your RC pic on someone elses craigslist ad?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:26 pm
by Coelacanth
Using pics of other people's stuff is a common eBay scammer trick, but is blatantly against their TOS. Report the auction. :)

Re: Your RC pic on someone elses craigslist ad?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:29 pm
by Incredible_Serious
Coelacanth wrote:Using pics of other people's stuff is a common eBay scammer trick, but is blatantly against their TOS. Report the auction. :)
That's only useful if eBay give a TOS....

Re: Your RC pic on someone elses craigslist ad?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:43 am
by Halgar
Incredible_Serious wrote:
Coelacanth wrote:Using pics of other people's stuff is a common eBay scammer trick, but is blatantly against their TOS. Report the auction. :)
That's only useful if eBay give a TOS....
No kidding! We got booted from Sleaze-Pay because we were making them enforce their own TOS against the scammers stealing our content and other copyrighted materials. This, of course, was after they effed with our account for over a year which curbed sales greatly. Sleaze-Pay needs to burn in hell! I wish someone else would set up an auction site.