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Anyone know how to convert DVD's and post them on Youtube?

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 1:14 am
I'm not very computer savy and I wanted to know whats a good program to convert DVD footage so I can share them on Youtube. I just converted my VHS tapes of R/C Racing 91 and 95 to DVD and I'd like to post some of these old races. I also have 6 of Gene Husting's DVD's with some old races from the early ROAR Offroad Nats and IFMAR Worlds. :D Thanks.


Re: Anyone know how to convert DVD's and post them on Youtub

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 3:22 am
by proffesso
grab an app called Handbrake, its a piece of cake...convert to mp4....320x240 (a smidge higher never hurts...but you have to upload these, so the bigger they are the longer it'll take) is plenty if its come from VHS and upload :)