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Fastest shipping?

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:35 pm
by lpddpd
Last Friday I sold some computer memory on ebay. The guy paid right away, and I shipped it Saturday morning USPS priority small box flat rate. He's in NY, I'm in CA and he got it today :shock: I was thinking maybe tomorrow or Wednesday. I've had priority stuff still take 3-4 days coming across the country, one day is pretty quick I think. I once won a BIN from Sheldon's Hobbies and had it in my hands in less than 24 hrs. They're here in CA as well so its not as far but it was nice to see that fast of a turnaround. :)

Re: Fastest shipping?

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:39 pm
by victor_cathedral
wow thats crazy, i am almost inclined to think that your buyer had multiple shipments incoming, and mistook on of those for your shipment :lol: i have had things shipped from 3 hours away take 6 days to get to me :| i never understood why the post office send my items halfway across the country to a sorting facility? silly post office people

Re: Fastest shipping?

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:52 pm
by Coelacanth
A couple years ago, I bought a snare drum from a US seller (I'm in Canada) and was blown away when it arrived only 3 business days later! I think I purchased it on a Friday or on the weekend and it arrived on a Wednesday morning. :shock: Usually stuff from the USA takes a good 10 - 14 days to arrive, sometimes a half-week more.

Re: Fastest shipping?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:31 am
by fordtransman
Years ago...the neighbor down the street (8 houses down) put a wedding invitation (for my familiy) in her mailbox.. 3 days later it arrived. It went almost 30 miles west, and then came back.

Re: Fastest shipping?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:46 am
by Midwest_Mudder
in my experience it depends wholy on when you get it shipped out. for instance, my post office has mail picked up 3 times during the day, once at 8am, once at noon, and once at 4:15pm. if i get a package in the main before the 8am pickup, it knocks nearly 2 days off the transit time, if it get it out before noon, it knocks a day off... i think, at least in my case, it has alot to do with when the package makes it to the main postal terminal down by the airport. I once had a package make it to california (i live in nebraska) in a day. the person had the package the next morning. i only ever ship priority flat rate with sig confirmation. it normally takes 3 days to cali from nebraska...

but the fastest shipping ive ever used? local meetup... HAHA

Re: Fastest shipping?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:16 am
by jacsac
Maybe there was extra room on the overnight airplane. USPS can be fast or supremely slow. I really hate when someone forgets to scan the delivery confirmation barcode. It is great when an impatient buyer blows up your message box and then finds the package delivered later that day.

Re: Fastest shipping?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:26 am
by Lowgear
When you drop off a package at the post office are they supposed to scan it into the system before dumping it into the bin? I go to the tiny post office in the next town over since its closer and the single person who works there never does.

Re: Fastest shipping?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:08 pm
by Midwest_Mudder
Lowgear wrote:When you drop off a package at the post office are they supposed to scan it into the system before dumping it into the bin? I go to the tiny post office in the next town over since its closer and the single person who works there never does.

mine do, they stamp my copy of the tracking sheet and then scan it in. i live in a town of 300 and they do it, up at college they do it too. they scan it in while i wait for my credit card receipt to print. a lot of times if they dont scan it, it wont get scanned till it makes it to the "sort facility". ive had examples where they scan it in 2 minutes after i leave, and ive had it take until it got to the sort facility. just watch where your first "scan" is, if its in the town, then they're scanning it, if not, well you know the story!

Re: Fastest shipping?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:36 am
by Lowgear
See I figured it should be. The old bat that works there just chucks it in the bin... From half way across the room.

Re: Fastest shipping?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:45 am
by Midwest_Mudder
and that, kind sir, is the reason i use 30 ft worth of bubble wrap in every package i ship. those damn trained monkeys in post office cant defeat bubble wrap!!!

Re: Fastest shipping?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:41 am
by slow_jun
Fastest shipping i got shipped from US to Singapore was 7 days, and it will take more if i buy stuff from Hongkong , takes around 3 weeks... and to think its much nearer for HK than US.... so what am i missing here.? :x :cry: :wink:

Re: Fastest shipping?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:20 pm
by Midwest_Mudder
the shipping is slow, jun... haha, seewhatididthere?

Re: Fastest shipping?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:17 pm
by fordtransman
Shipped Friday at 12 noon PST. in California. Arrived on the East coast on Monday. A+ for the US Postal

Re: Fastest shipping?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 12:39 am
by Charlie don't surf
USPS is always the next day in the same state- I shipped from NC to Japan ( large box ) first class and it was there in 4 :shock: days

Re: Fastest shipping?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:19 am
by slow_jun
Midwest_Mudder wrote:the shipping is slow, jun... haha, seewhatididthere?
hahahah, got me there,....