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3500KV too Much?

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:34 pm
by joel45acp
Do you gents think a 3500KV Tacon with 2s Gens Ace Lipos would be too much for a 6gear tranny in my Vintage gold tub? I currently run the same system in a RC10T3 with the stealth tranny and it's great. By the way, running 21/87 gearing, I get 30.4mph with this setup. Thanks for any info.

Re: 3500KV too Much?

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:54 pm
by greene-r74
Depends on how fast you want to go. I think the tacon 2950 is almost too much that is what I run in my stealth. I can putt along half throttle then hit full throttle and it about flips over. Just ordered a Leopard 3000kv with the 380 size motor for my 6 gear. We'll see how that works.