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To Dye or not to dye?

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:22 pm
by joel45acp
I recently started my build on my third ebay score, a A stamped gold chassis buggy. The white parts aren't so white and I was wondering if you guys would simply dye them a different color or bleach the white parts altogether? I'm enjoying reliving my youth. :)

Re: To Dye or not to dye?

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:17 pm
by nvxwax
I would clean them up and whiten them using peroxide (Link Below), I like the white part on the old gold pans.

Re: To Dye or not to dye?

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:01 pm
HI!... Ya just whiten them up. It's easy. I've been doing non stop whitening for 3 weeks now. :mrgreen: Get some Hydrogen Peroxide (3%). Pour it into glass bowls. Set the bowls on top of aluminum foil. Shiny side towards the bottom of the bowls. Submerse the parts in the bowls. Get yourself a small desk lamp and install a TRUE UV light. I'm running a 26 watt UV light in mine. Then set the light up over top of the bowls. I run my light about 4 inches away from the top of the bowl. Let it sit like that for 3-4 days. Occasionally stirring and flipping the parts. Sometimes you will have to re-submerse the parts due to air bubbles forming due to the chemical reaction happening and lifting them to the surface. If you live in a warm climate where it's sunny most of the time just put the bowls outside in the sun.


Before :




Re: To Dye or not to dye?

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:34 pm
by joel45acp
Thanks gents for the insight. I'm off to Wally Word for some H2O2 and UV light bulb. Thanks again.

Re: To Dye or not to dye?

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:28 am
HI!... Forgot to add. If the parts are pretty dirty just soak them in CLR kitchen/bathroom cleaner for 24 hours. The dirt/grime just falls off. It also lightens them up slightly. Then use a small scrub brush and pipe cleaners to clean the parts and the holes.