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Who has the best looking ride?

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 2:37 pm

Re: Who has the best looking ride?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 1:09 pm
by HotRodJosh
Crap...I should visit here more often....I have a bunch of rigs I could've submitted....haha

Re: Who has the best looking ride?

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:13 pm
by Diggley

I was leaning towards voting for Vintagemishal's entry myself... It had a fantastic paint job, originality, good photos..and wasn't exactly another carbon copy box art RC10.

But I guess it didn't make the cut (?).

Wasn't there supposed to be 8 finalists? I only counted 6.

Maybe you guys should have been a little more specific on the panel's taste in R/C vehicles... :roll:

No issues here worth losing sleep over , but it kinda resembled a "Concours" competition between several friends with box stock RC10's....

Re: Who has the best looking ride?

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:19 am
by shodog
Diggley wrote:Hmmm,

I was leaning towards voting for Vintagemishal's entry myself... It had a fanatstic paint job, originality, good photos..and wasn't exactly another carbon copy box art RC10.

But I guess it didn't make the cut (?).

Wasn't there supposed to be 8 finalists? I only counted 6.

Maybe you guys should have been a little more specific on the panel's taste in R/C vehicles... :roll:

No issues here worth losing sleep over , but it kinda resembled a "Concours" competition between several friends with box stock RC10's....
I'm sensing a bit of sarcasm. My thoughts are before slaming theytookmythumb for not including Vintagemishal's entry, double check the other posts an you will see he was included. What the issue is that the software only allows 6 entries to vote for. If anything theytookmythumb should have limited the competition to the first six entries

Re: Who has the best looking ride?

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:23 am
by scr8p
you know, it wouldn't be that hard to take the top car from the first poll, the top car from the second poll, and then have a separate poll for those 2 to declare the winner.

Re: Who has the best looking ride?

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:22 pm
by Vintagemishal
Diggley wrote:Hmmm,

I was leaning towards voting for Vintagemishal's entry myself... It had a fanatstic paint job, originality, good photos..and wasn't exactly another carbon copy box art RC10.

But I guess it didn't make the cut (?).

Wasn't there supposed to be 8 finalists? I only counted 6.

Maybe you guys should have been a little more specific on the panel's taste in R/C vehicles... :roll:

No issues here worth losing sleep over , but it kinda resembled a "Concours" competition between several friends with box stock RC10's....
Thanks for the vote Diggley, I appreciate it. Concourse competitions just aren't what they used to be. Back when people were really in to it, you had to have not only a great paint job, but the car had to be detailed in every way and usually included an interior. I think people just don't really care anymore? I think this shows due to the absolute lack of participation here. I actually was very excited to enter this competition, but what a let down. I do not blame Theytookmythumb at all, it was a good idea. I think that there were some great paint jobs that entered, but know that there are a whole lot more out there. Thank you to Theytookmythumb for trying to make a fun competition for all.

Re: Who has the best looking ride?

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:31 pm
by Diggley
shodog wrote:
Diggley wrote:Hmmm,

I was leaning towards voting for Vintagemishal's entry myself... It had a fanatstic paint job, originality, good photos..and wasn't exactly another carbon copy box art RC10.

But I guess it didn't make the cut (?).

Wasn't there supposed to be 8 finalists? I only counted 6.

Maybe you guys should have been a little more specific on the panel's taste in R/C vehicles... :roll:

No issues here worth losing sleep over , but it kinda resembled a "Concours" competition between several friends with box stock RC10's....
I'm sensing a bit of sarcasm. My thoughts are before slaming theytookmythumb for not including Vintagemishal's entry, double check the other posts an you will see he was included. What the issue is that the software only allows 6 entries to vote for. If anything theytookmythumb should have limited the competition to the first six entries
My bad,

I posted before seeing part 2.

I thought I had removed my comments...

Re: Who has the best looking ride?

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:43 pm
by Diggley
Thanks for the vote Diggley, I appreciate it. Concourse competitions just aren't what they used to be. Back when people were really in to it, you had to have not only a great paint job, but the car had to be detailed in every way and usually included an interior. I think people just don't really care anymore? I think this shows due to the absolute lack of participation here. I actually was very excited to enter this competition, but what a let down. I do not blame Theytookmythumb at all, it was a good idea. I think that there were some great paint jobs that entered, but know that there are a whole lot more out there. Thank you to Theytookmythumb for trying to make a fun competition for all.[/quote]

I agree, it was a good idea.

With all the members on this site, you'd think the response would have been overwhelming.
My rant was a bit mis-guided.
I didn't see the "part 2" of the posting until I had vented. I thought I had removed my comments but..

Theytookmythumb; I appoligise for the unnecessary sarcasm.

I thought your entry was a cool twist to the typical drop-a -Sand Scorcher- body on an RC10. The paint job looked great!

Re: Who has the best looking ride?

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 5:49 pm
by tony13b
What happen to Vintagemishal sand bug...I was leaning towards voting for Vintagemishal's wasn't he included in the finalist :?: :?: :?: :?

Re: Who has the best looking ride?

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:12 pm
by Vintagemishal
Check Part 2 and there it is. Thanks for the vote. :)

Re: Who has the best looking ride?

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 2:05 pm
Diggley wrote:Theytookmythumb; I appoligise for the unnecessary sarcasm.
First off, please don’t anyone ever worry about my “feelings”. If you can offend me or hurt my feelings then my hat’s off to you because it’s a pretty difficult task! Second of all, I have a terrible tendency to post before I have all the facts so no worries there. Lastly, the success(or lack thereof)has a lot to do with popularity. If a mod for instance did this same contest then it would get hundreds of responses and be an overwhelming success. Again, I don’t let this bother me in the least. I don’t care to be popular or even necessarily well received when it comes to the internet. I’m just here because, like everyone else, I love r/c and especially vintage r/c and enjoy hanging out with like-minded people. I like scr8p’s suggestion though. I can take the highest voted rides and create a single and final elimination poll. To be honest, this whole contest is based on my curiosity to use the poll question feature… :oops:

Re: Who has the best looking ride?

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 3:51 pm
by RedScampi
[quote="shodog"}[ What the issue is that the software only allows 6 entries to vote for. [/quote]

i'm glad to know this because, frankly I was a bit embarrassed to have my lame attempt at paint included in the poll while other, obviously superior paint jobs were not. :oops:

Re: Who has the best looking ride?

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 4:01 pm
RedScampi wrote:[quote="shodog"}[ What the issue is that the software only allows 6 entries to vote for.
i'm glad to know this because, frankly I was a bit embarrassed to have my lame attempt at paint included in the poll while other, obviously superior paint jobs were not. :oops:[/quote]

Don’t feel bad…
A.Your car looks great!
B. I started this thread just so I’d have an excuse not to enter… :oops: