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Is it common not to have a 2wd class?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 2:07 pm
There is a facility 30 miles away that has an indoor off-road and indoor dirt oval. I've been up there once just to check it out and it's pretty nice. I was thinking about maybe racing again. I could tell their website had not been updated recently by what I was reading in their forum so I called up there to get race times and class info. I'm gonna go check it out again since I haven't seen the oval anyway, but was bored here at work so called to get some quick info. It sounds like they have a pretty big turnout, but rarely run 2wd electric. That seems odd to me, but I've not really been around racing for a long time. They have some other classes that interest me, but I was just curious if it's common at other tracks not to have 2wd buggies?
Their most common classes are
1/10th Sprint car
1/18th Sprint car
Touring Car

Off Road-
1/8th buggy and truggy
Intermediate Slash(?)
Electric mod stadium truck
4 wheel mod
Any class with 5+ will be added to oval or off road.

Re: Is it common not to have a 2wd class?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 2:47 pm
by slotcarrod
This is a trend I have seen all over North America. It takes more skill to drive a 2WD buggy. Not enough people with skill around! :roll:

Re: Is it common not to have a 2wd class?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:01 pm
by Eau Rouge
2wd stock off road is one of my favorite all-time classes, and sadly, it's not raced hardly anywhere anymore. Very disappointing that classes like Mini-T and Slash had to take over at tracks all over the US.

I still think I'd someday like to develop a UK-style track here for off road racing.

Re: Is it common not to have a 2wd class?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:10 pm
What's a UK-style track if I might ask? I'd like to get a Slider or SC10 and just keep showing up with a buggy and try to convince some people to join in. It sounds like they consistently get 50+ cars showing up so I would think I could convince a few.

Re: Is it common not to have a 2wd class?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:17 pm
by SoloGraphix
At our local track/club, in the begining of the '09 outdoor season, 2WD buggy was just about dead. By the time the season ended we had 3 heats of buggys for our Challenge.

The only thing that made the class grow, was the first few people who hopped in to keep it alive. Once people saw the entry count rising, then they needed to run the class too. I ran the majority of the season with a Pro SE, just to have cars when I started their was 5-6 cars, we ended with 20.

Re: Is it common not to have a 2wd class?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:38 pm
by jwscab
are you racing in the jerz? whereabouts?

Re: Is it common not to have a 2wd class?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:41 pm
by Halgar
slotcarrod wrote: It takes more skill to drive a 2WD buggy. Not enough people with skill around! :roll:
That was my thinking as well.

Re: Is it common not to have a 2wd class?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:44 pm
Halgar wrote:
slotcarrod wrote: It takes more skill to drive a 2WD buggy. Not enough people with skill around! :roll:
That was my thinking as well.
I don't have the skill either, but it's still always been my favorite. :lol:

Re: Is it common not to have a 2wd class?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:51 pm
by soniccj5
My local track only runs 2wd Buggy during the winter. They don't have a stock class, so I decided to get a 10.5 BL. I have not raced there yet, but I am looking forward to seeing how well my RC-10 can do against B4s. Provided I can keep it on the track :D


Re: Is it common not to have a 2wd class?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:03 pm
by civilguy
One issue at our track (outdoors) is that the 1/8th scales and MTs rip up the track and 2wd buggies are swallowed up in the ruts. Personally I like 2wd buggy, so I run my Rad2 in with the stadium trucks. :wink:
Definitely more of a finesse class than most of the gun-it-n-go RTR classes racers want today. Clean lines is what 2wd buggy is all about. :D

Re: Is it common not to have a 2wd class?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:06 pm
by SoloGraphix
jwscab wrote:are you racing in the jerz? whereabouts?
Up north. DirtRunners R/C Club

We have indoor & outdoor seasons.

Re: Is it common not to have a 2wd class?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:32 pm
by Halgar
Halgar wrote:
slotcarrod wrote: It takes more skill to drive a 2WD buggy. Not enough people with skill around! :roll:
That was my thinking as well.
I don't have the skill either, but it's still always been my favorite. :lol:
While not everyone fits into the same mold, Civiguy's comment is very accurate. I'm not a racer or a buggy guy, though I've been to enough races to see the exact thing he's talking about. Lack of ability, patience, and knowledge of tuning, racing, and driving all add up to buying vehicles that take the "work" out of the equation. It's like the theory of trying to use faster motors and power in the straights to compensate for a lack of finesse and tuning in the corners.

civilguy wrote:One issue at our track (outdoors) is that the 1/8th scales and MTs rip up the track and 2wd buggies are swallowed up in the ruts. Personally I like 2wd buggy, so I run my Rad2 in with the stadium trucks. :wink:
Definitely more of a finesse class than most of the gun-it-n-go RTR classes racers want today. Clean lines is what 2wd buggy is all about. :D

Re: Is it common not to have a 2wd class?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:37 pm
by civilguy
My personal favorite is "I need to pick up a 6.5 motor next week.... the 10.5 just doesn't have enough punch and my lap times are really slow."
Hint: jumping clear over the chainlink fence will seriously increase your lap times. Being able to clear the same fence by an additional 5 feet will still not help. :lol:

Re: Is it common not to have a 2wd class?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:16 pm
by Halgar
civilguy wrote:My personal favorite is "I need to pick up a 6.5 motor next week.... the 10.5 just doesn't have enough punch and my lap times are really slow."
That's when they have to strap a concrete block to the top of the buggy just to try to put some of that power to the ground. Problem is, that block really messes with aerodynamics. :mrgreen:

Re: Is it common not to have a 2wd class?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:51 pm
by Diggley
I'm pretty sure 2wd is dead here too.

'Last time I saw 2wd cars run on a regular basis, they all had those giant wings on the roof...or an ugly plastic wedge of cheese looking body with a slab of lexan on the side..

(most folks around here can only handle turning left...)

The trucks & 8th scale took off 'cause they were easier for the average Billy-Bob to handle..most still can't comprehend making a right turn once in awhile...