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Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 3:06 am
by camlchris
Delta CK790E

Re: DELTA Ck790E

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 7:31 am
by matthew john
is there any info on this? like a story , how you obtained it, pics of the parts???

Re: DELTA Ck790E

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 10:43 am
by mrlexan
Was that the NIB kit I saw recently on ebay from like Spain or some similar country?

Re: DELTA Ck790E

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 12:24 pm
by camlchris
mrlexan wrote:Was that the NIB kit I saw recently on ebay from like Spain or some similar country?
yes Spain

Re: DELTA Ck790E

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 4:21 am
by polarbear
Is the motor mounting adjustable or fixed just like the gas version? In the gas version, the engine mount cannot be shifted. Gear ratio is adjusted by changing the spur and pinion in pair (or something similar to pitch changes in the pinion).

Re: DELTA Ck790E

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:53 am
by tamiya
yeah we raced Delta Super-Js and the pinion goes thru bearing in the side plate - well supported
and the clutchbell was totally free-floating off the flywheel/clutch, nothing interconnecting

made engine swaps very fast... like under 2mins once i think?!

Ran Piccos & OPSes back then, with the Delta slide carb & flattop heatsink. Mainly broke conrods.

however when trying to gear lower... the spur becomes so big it runs very close to chassis plate;
the FRP juts out over the edge of the side plate and always clogged up with pebbles = chewed spur.
We'd just gring off like 5mm off the FRP edge to reduced spur damage.

Re: DELTA Ck790E

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 4:19 am
by mk4
here are specific spare parts of the CK790E kit

12 cell unit :shock:
and a 6volt Astro flight inc : ASTRO 15 engine