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Weight Specs - Stock vs. Modded

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 12:51 pm
by LowClassCC
i seen a while back someone asked how much weight that you actually saved with a cheese grader chassis vs. a stock chassis. i figured i would get a weight thread started to show what some of those differences were. all weights will be displayed in grams using a digital gram scale. i will include a photo of each part being weighed and do my best to explain the modded parts in detail so you will have as much info on the part as possible.

let us start with the main chassis first. this chassis is a b-stamp chassis. it did not have the 2 small holes for the inline battery. these 2 holes were drilled and countersunk into this chassis before the weight was taken. sorry but this was done before i got the idea to weigh everything, but seeing how small those two holes are i feel it will much less than 1/2 a gram difference so it shouldn't affect the weight enough to really matter. this chassis weighed in at 168 grams.
DSC01674 (Small).JPG
next we have a modded b-stamp chassis. this chassis also has the centered battery cup holes. the chassis has had the sides cut down to 1/2". there are 30 half inch holes drilled in it. and the rear of the chassis has been narrowed for the rpm worlds arm conversion kit. and i don't want to leave out that this chassis ha an excessive amount of wear under its tail due to bottoming out on the street or where ever it was drove. this chassis weighed in at 124 grams.
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so there we have it. there is a 44 gram difference in weight between the modded and stock chassis.

more weights will be posted soon.

Re: Weight Specs - Stock vs. Modded

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 1:39 pm
That's more than I would have guessed. Not too significant with today's batteries and motors, but back in the day that could equal a few extra seconds of precious run time.

Re: Weight Specs - Stock vs. Modded

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:45 pm
by LowClassCC
now we have the motor plates.

as before i will do the stock on first. it weighed in at 24 grams.
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here is the modded one. i could have lightened this one a little more but i felt this was enough. it weighed in at 20 grams.
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well it wasn't much of a change but aprox 16% lighter is a decent change. just think.. if you are one that likes to work on balancing you car out with weights then this is 4 grams you can place elsewhere.

Re: Weight Specs - Stock vs. Modded

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:03 pm
by LowClassCC
now this one is a little different. this post will show the weights of a stock buggy nose plate, a stock truck nose plate, and a lightened truck nose plate.

lets get started with the stock buggy nose plate. it weighed in at 38 grams.
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next up we have the stock truck nose plate. it weighed in at 29 grams.
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ok no since the nose plate will be used on a buggy i had no need for the truck mounting holes. so i trimmed 1cm off the back edges. i felt this would save enough weight with all the other hack and slashing done to this chassis. it weighed in at 26 grams.
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Re: Weight Specs - Stock vs. Modded

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 12:46 am
by littleVETTE
that's good to know. if your racing your rc10 every little bit helps.

Re: Weight Specs - Stock vs. Modded

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 10:51 am
by LowClassCC
both chassis sets are currently at the powder coaters. i will weigh them again to show how much weight the powder coat job will add. but since powder can be sprayed on in different thicknesses these weights will only give a vague idea of what your chassis could weigh. as time passes i will post more weights of other parts.

Re: Weight Specs - Stock vs. Modded

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 4:39 pm
by LowClassCC
Stock front long arms vs rpm worlds front arms vs dynotech front arms. if an when i get any different front arms i will add that into to this post. but for now these 3 are all i have.

stock front long arms. weighed in at 8 grams.
DSC01768 (Small).JPG
rpm worlds arms (arms are slightly longer than the stock long arms) weighed in at 10 grams.
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dynotech front arms (copy of rpm worlds arms but machined and not molded) weighed in at 11 grams.
DSC01770 (Small).JPG

Re: Weight Specs - Stock vs. Modded

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:02 pm
by LowClassCC
stock rear arms vs rpm worlds rear arms vs dynotech rear arms. again these are the only ones i currently have, as i get more i will update this post.

stock rear arms. weighed in at 12 grams.
DSC01765 (Small).JPG
rpm worlds rear arms (longer than stock arms) weighed in at 12 grams.
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dynotech rear arms (copies of the rpm worlds arms but machined and not molded) weighed in at 13 grams.
DSC01767 (Small).JPG

Re: Weight Specs - Stock vs. Modded

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:25 pm
by markt311
Now you just need a cut down buggy nose piece to compare too!

It doesn't look like those Dynotech arms take dye very well, how long did you have them in the dye?

Re: Weight Specs - Stock vs. Modded

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:05 pm
by LowClassCC
i left them in a good while.. the fronts did better than the backs.. the edges of the backs turned floru red very quick but didn't take on the non cut sides much at all. they would do black with no problem but colors are a waste of time to do.

if i ever get a precut nose plate i wont mind hacking it. i don't wanna thrash a decent one though.

Re: Weight Specs - Stock vs. Modded

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 10:28 pm
by LTO_Dave
I just bought a new digital scale and hope it's cool if I add some weights for comparison. Even though my scale is different, I think the numbers will be close.

Andy's black wide track front arms: 8 grams

AE old-style shorty front arms dyed black: 8 grams

Andy's black rear arms: 11 grams

Re: Weight Specs - Stock vs. Modded

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 11:18 pm
by Charlie don't surf
I just weighed an ounce of lead, and it was 28 grams

Re: Weight Specs - Stock vs. Modded

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 4:32 pm
by LowClassCC
Powder coated part weights. now take in account the weight added by the powder coat will very depending on the thickness of the coating. this post is just to give a rough estimate of the added weight to better inform you aprox how much weight it will add. these pieces in this post are also the exact same ones weighed above.

gold b-stamp chassis in first post. before powder coat it weighed in at 168 grams. it now weighs in at 185 grams. 17 grams added with the powder coat.
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next up we have the gold buggy nose plate seen in the 4th post. before powder coat it weighed in at 38 grams. it now weighs in at 42 grams. 4 grams added with the powder coat.
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now on to the gold motor plate seen in post 3. before powder coat it weighed in at 24 grams. it now weighs in at 25 grams. 1 gram added with the powder coat.
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ok now lets move into the modded cheese grader chassis set.

here is the black drilled, cut, and hacked chassis in first post. before powder coat it weighed in at 124 grams. it now weighs in at 133 grams. 9 grams added with the powder coat.
DSC01805 (Small).JPG
next up we have the black truck nose plate that was trimmed down seen in the 4th post. before powder coat it weighed in at 26 grams. it now weighs in at 27 grams. 1 gram added with the powder coat.
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and lastly we have the black motor plate that was cut down seen in post 3. before powder coat it weighed in at 20 grams. it now weighs in at 22 grams. 2 grams added with the powder coat.
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total weight added to each chassis set is as follows.

the unmodded gold set added 22 grams with it's fresh candy blue finish.

the modded black set added 12 grams for it's bright bubble gum pink coating.

so less than one ounce for each set. i was expecting the weight that the powder coat added to be a little higher than this but i guess i was wrong. and this may help some of you out.

1 ounce = 28.349523 grams

so charlie you scale is right on the money :)

Re: Weight Specs - Stock vs. Modded

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:55 pm
by Charlie don't surf
Daaaaaaaaaang, let's see that blue in some light--That's a deep color!

Re: Weight Specs - Stock vs. Modded

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:38 am
by Brandon G
Excellent posting. Thanks for sharing the info!