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another soon to be restored rc10 gold pan buggy!!!

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 2:09 am
by matthew john
got this car off craigslist last week for $80, was rtr , had a savage body on it. i took the electrics from it , and she's awaiting restoration too. bottom of tub isnt scratched too bad, but some one counter sunk 3 holes :cry:
will get more pics of it uploaded as soon as i get them uploaded to photobucket . will post the restoration pics and updates on this post!!



more pics

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 6:47 am
by matthew john
heres some more pics of it after i got the electrics pulled from it. Real nice car, but some one countersuck some holes on the bottom of the chassis. ill try and make this one a shelf car with the rest of the other goldpans. i dont see any sense in damaging or killing it or wearing it out anymore than it is.
heres the pics. will hopefully start the tear down and "bathing of the nylon parts " when i start the tear down and bath of my $50 find. ( when i clean the white nylon, i try to get them all or what i can get done all at one time.kinda like an assymbly line i guess)
heres more pics for people like me with the shrine flu!!!LOLZ :mrgreen:





Re: another soon to be restored rc10 gold pan buggy!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:33 am
by matthew john
just a update, this one is stripped down of all its parts, the nylon is soaking, getting all cleaned up.
i have a novack esc for it, a servo,still looking for a motor to put in it. this one is just going to sit on the shelf with the rest ,i have enough old skool electronics to put in the shelfers too. parts will be done and cleaned by tonite,should be re assembled in a few days, going slow though because i got 5 buggies, and 2 10T's im working with too.will post the pics of the nylon after the bath,and get some pics of the assembly.