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I'm hating Ebay lately.....

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:27 pm
by Der Kommissar
I just sold s NICE Marui Big Bear last week. The guy paid right away with Paypal and I shipped it UPS Ground. Today I get a dispute filed from Paypal and they froze the money in my account. This guy said the truck isn't RTR because there is green battery acid all over it, it has a flat tire, and the controller has acid/corrosion. Well, I have detailed photos of the truck. There is no acid or flat tires before shipping. There was some light corrosion in the batter tray. I listed the controller as broken and needing a new wheel as well as "all electronics are untested." I guess I worded it wrong and should have put appears RTR. That's my bad. What is frustrating is if the buyer would have contacted me to work something out, I sure would have went out of my way to make him/her happy. I have all positive feedback at 200+ and want to make a happy customer. Now it's a claim with Paypal and I'm irritated cause my account is frozen. I guess I'm not that great of a seller LOL.
Hopefully we can work it out. If you are a member on here, contact me instead of Paypal first.

Re: I'm hating Ebay lately.....

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:43 pm
by mrlexan
Just tell him to return it and you'll provide a refund. If you the seller escalate it to a claim after the dispute has been opened, you can force his hand to return on his own dime, he will then need to provide proof that he sent it. Once you receive it, you can provide him a refund.

All the other stuff isn't worth the mess.

Re: I'm hating Ebay lately.....

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:05 pm
by Prince Steve
mrlexan wrote:Just tell him to return it and you'll provide a refund. If you the seller escalate it to a claim after the dispute has been opened, you can force his hand to return on his own dime, he will then need to provide proof that he sent it. Once you receive it, you can provide him a refund.

All the other stuff isn't worth the mess.
I can definately understand his frustration. As this has happened to me on many occassions. (And sorry to say it doesn't get better to some degree ) Ebay has gotten worse in the fact that #1 you as a seller cannot leave negative feedback. #2 you have to wait 1 week to file a claim and then another week to leave a strike if you are not answered by the buyer. You are at the mercy of the buyer and Ebay rules. Again unfortunately it is a major site for people to let go of what they don't need, want or hopefully want to make money on.
I know I am ramblin but this is a sore spot for me.
Best you can do is as Mr Lexan stated ask the buyer to return the item and he may settle for a partial refund. The down side is you may still not recieve desirable feedback if the buyer is not trustworthy from the begining.

Re: I'm hating Ebay lately.....

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:33 pm
by Der Kommissar
Thanks guys. If he would have contacted me, I would have gladly gave him a refund had he paid the return shipping. We'll see how it turns out. This was actually my Dad's truck and I was trying to do him a favor by listing it for him. I'll post an update once and if it's settled.

Re: I'm hating Ebay lately.....

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 7:53 am
by mrlexan
That always bugs me to, I don't understand why they can't contact me first as opposed just filing a claim. If you contact me first, I would have been more than willing to make things right up front.

Re: I'm hating Ebay lately.....

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 8:33 am
by karnivool
there are so many low ballers out there, they offer you bugger all for god gear then winge when you dont bow to there pressure. id rather keep advertising for months to rub it in there face :lol: and the ebay disputes thats one of my pet hates, ya dont answer an email for a few days because ya busy at work and not near a computer, the buyer freaks out and opens a dispute like a spoilt brat, your account goes into arrears which really peve's me, had some good verbals of late, they never new what hit them trust me. :D

Re: I'm hating Ebay lately.....

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 8:45 am
by speedemall
I too have grown to hate Ebay but the deals are so great I'm addicted. :x

Re: I'm hating Ebay lately.....

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:01 pm
by Doc J33P
I liked Ebay Circa 2004 the best.

Re: I'm hating Ebay lately.....

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:34 pm
by Bormac
Yeah ......Ebay. What can I say, the whole deal reaks now days. The seller cant leave negative feedback for drop kick buyers and the fees......hmmm.
Im tired of people sulking because what they hoped would be the most pristine example of any given item turns out to be something which actualy looks (and is) 20 odd years old. Touch wood Ive not had any problems with anything ive sold but when I buy I do keep in mind this vintage buggy is actualy 20 something years old. People who expect to find old buggies (for example) and expect them to be be new built pristine examples for cheap are realy kidding themselves i think. Sure its nice to be suprised if something shows up in better condition than was anticipated but Im not too dissappointed when it looks its age and at the price i pay.
People need to be a little more realistic at times. :roll:

Re: I'm hating Ebay lately.....

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:38 am
by Charlie don't surf
As someone who has never actually sold something on Ebay (but was about to) are there safer
ways to go about selling on Ebay--I see most people disclosing any "flaws" in the "goods", what it comes with etc--but how do you keep from getting screwed as a seller?

Re: I'm hating Ebay lately.....

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:58 am
by Bormac
The only real protection a seller has is to 'REGISTER & INSURE' a sold item before sending it. There are people out there just waiting to trip you up. Holding 100% positive feedback realy is a chore now days.
The system officialy sucks now though.

Re: I'm hating Ebay lately.....

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:40 am
by Halgar
bormac wrote:The system officialy sucks now though.
Now?!?!?! It has sucked for a very long time! It's just sucks even worse now.

Just be thankful you don't live in California. Meg Whitman is apparently the front runner for the next governor. We can look forward to her doing to California what she's done to Sleaze Bay buyers and sellers since Sleaze Bay was a twinkle in her eye. Bend over and get a big old jar of lube, because Californians are gonna need it!

Re: I'm hating Ebay lately.....

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:49 am
by Der Kommissar
I've been trying Craigslist first for a week or two and using Ebay as a last resort. What you get with Ebay is world wide exposure for your fee. That's the good. The bad is as everyone said it's a buyers game. The new feedback system is a joke too. Now you can only paypby Paypal so they get even more money. I like the convenience of Paypal, but some people may not. Oh well you can't use Ebay then. When I listed this Big Bear, I got a warning that you are not allowed to use the phrase "like new" in the title anymore due to misleading a buyer. I'm still waiting on the outcome, but I'm pretty sure I know how it's going to go.