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Re: PB Mini Mustang. Post your pics.

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 6:47 am
by maxima
Well i couldn't help it another maxima 2 speed this time,no body or under tray,i'll fab an under tray any idea's on a alternative body?
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Re: PB Mini Mustang. Post your pics.

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 8:02 am
by Mr. ED
hotshot or baja-champ

Re: PB Mini Mustang. Post your pics.

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 8:30 am
by Bormac
Well i couldn't help it another maxima 2 speed this time,no body or under tray,i'll fab an under tray any idea's on a alternative body?
I currently have a deal going on which will include a new bodyshell and undertray set for the Maxima. Once i get it here i will look at ways of getting it repro'd. :mrgreen:

Re: PB Mini Mustang. Post your pics.

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:43 pm
by maxima
bormac wrote:
Well i couldn't help it another maxima 2 speed this time,no body or under tray,i'll fab an under tray any idea's on a alternative body?
I currently have a deal going on which will include a new bodyshell and undertray set for the Maxima. Once i get it here i will look at ways of getting it repro'd. :mrgreen:
First a mustang repro now maybe a maxima repro,i'm in pb heaven :lol:
Bormac where's the ryde pic's mate!,need to see some vintage action!

Re: PB Mini Mustang. Post your pics.

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 6:11 pm
by Bormac
Hello Maxima,
Unfortunately I didnt get any pictures of the event (tried running 5 claasses on the day-LOL). Im sure Jack Rizzo and Darryn Johnson got some though. Darryn ran his Mustang once i think while James ran his Maxima a few times and I ran my Mustang in every heat. I was realy happy with the car, the motor was a little worse for wear but over all I was quite happy on the day. I even ran stock Dynamite tyres too.
I think PB made some great cars and wether its all out performance ( which i think they CAN deliver) or just that old nostalgic feel i reckon they are real winners in my book.

Re: PB Mini Mustang. Post your pics.

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 7:43 am
by Mad Racer

Jason your Mini Mustang was simply awsome. Really if you think about it your mustang did exceptionally well.

You would have wiped the floor with it with a stronger sport tune motor and modern wheels/tires.

It,s a real credit to you and PB .

We need Alex at the next vintage meet.

Re: PB Mini Mustang. Post your pics.

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:58 pm
Undortunately I overgeared my motor in the Mustang and fried it - so I went to the "backup" MIP Legend for that class. The PB was handling EXTREMELY well - I was very happy with it, especially after James lent me the front Uni driveshafts!. Sadly, like Jason did, I was down for 4 or 5 classes so I had no time to repair it once the meeting had started.

Due to the above gluttony with racing - I took bugger all pics - I will have alook through - I am pretty sure I got some of practice on the day before the meeting.

I cant honestly say that I have ever really be totally "ïn love" with the mustang - even though I drove for the importer back in the day - but I agree with Jason - with a little persistance and some work - they grow on you (like fungus!! ;) ), and can be quite competitive.



Re: PB Mini Mustang. Post your pics.

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:08 am
by Bormac
WooHoo!!! The PB god's have been very good to me today. I thought I would never see the day when I would be holding a NIB Maxima kit in my hot little hands but here it is. Just turned up on my doorstep today.
After a trade with a fellow TC and 10TALK member I now own this very rare PB kit. Albeit there are some missing items which I will now need to source but finaly I can run a Maxima at our vintage days.


Re: PB Mini Mustang. Post your pics.

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:39 am
by maxima
Nice score Bormac!.
What parts are missing i might be able to help as I've a few maxima spares not new though!
Do you think you'll be able to get the shell and under tray reproduced?
Any chance of a scan of the decals mate!
cheers Peter.

Re: PB Mini Mustang. Post your pics.

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:23 am
by Bormac
Unfortunately the maxima kit was missing almost all of the metal parts except shock bits and the universal sets. Lucky for me a good friend of mine has some spares that may get my car up and going.
The maxima shell has been sent to another friend for reproduction and Im hoping they may be available very soon. Time will tell.

After running at the Boondal track today I stoped in at James's place and offered to get his Mustang project completed. After cleaning EVERYTHING this car is coming together nicely. Ive made a customized fibreglass rear shock/wing mount plate for the esc to adhear to and fitted a set of Option house shocks I stripped and polished a while back. I think the Pepperdots realy set this car off and although James isn't keen on the shell I think it looks ok.
I will get her finished off tomorrow. :D




Re: PB Mini Mustang. Post your pics.

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:32 am
by pedro
jeez Jase that brings back the memories, i raced one of those back in the day won the QLD titles back in 87 in stock before getting a cat and stepping up to mod just wish i'd kept those cars now hey.........


Re: PB Mini Mustang. Post your pics.

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:43 am
by Bormac
Hi Pete, yet another Aussie making there way over onto this site- well done mate. :D

I like the PB's ( then again I like all vintage racers-LOL) and I am confident these cars have some life left in them yet. I know they aren't going to mow down a B44 but the nostalgia is definately there when you see them go around.

So how's things up at Ipswich?

Re: PB Mini Mustang. Post your pics.

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:50 am
by Bormac
I've been really busy trying to sort a couple of Mini Mustangs out. Finaly I've gotten as far as I can go and have finished James's car and rebuilt mine with a couple of extra parts I needed. Hopefuly James will be down tomorrow and we'll run these and get a few action shots in too.
Cheers-Jason. :D






Re: PB Mini Mustang. Post your pics.

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:28 am
by maxima
Nice Mustang's wish i was there to run mine with you guys :mrgreen:
Well Bormac you scored big with the Maxima,i scored for me some thing i never really expected a new unpainted PB ACE shell!
Now all i need is a couple of maxima shell's and i'm done.
I've half stripped the green maxima shell when it's done i'll send off the mustang,maxima and ACE shell to get an old school paint job.
cheers Peter.

Re: PB Mini Mustang. Post your pics.

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:53 am
by Bormac
peter you probably have one of the rarest shells out there. I don't suppose you'd consider getting it repro'd or even a plug made before you cut and paint it? I know a guy...