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Re: Just in case you didn't know.....

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:37 pm
by Diamond Dave
I was doing some reading on this, this might explain a few things.

The article states why he was not read his rights, a few of the comments after the article are an interesting read as well.

Re: Just in case you didn't know.....

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:52 pm
by romulus22
Melvin, you are upset that because a terrorist isn't getting rights you think that your rights are now stripped? You think that the police and military searching homes for a terrorist is wrong? Telling people to stay in there homes for their safety is wrong?

If I lived in the area IDE be glad to to follow those rules. And what now. Are you excited to pay taxes the rest of your life for the money that's going to shelter and feed this guy that murdered several of people for who knows what reason. Those people don't get a fair chance at living. They were stripped of life in 1 second. That's how fast they should strip him of his.

Re: Just in case you didn't know.....

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 3:27 pm
by civilguy
I think this whole thread is useless. There are members here on opposite ends of the spectrum (politically, morally, or whatever meter you want to use) who will never reach a common ground. I think you should all just realize that and stop with the attempts to bend someone else's beliefs to meet your own.
That said... take a second to appreciate that you didn't have any of your friends or family in harms way this past week and then continue with your pissing contest.

Re: Just in case you didn't know.....

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 3:37 pm
by romulus22
civilguy wrote:I think this whole thread is useless. There are members here on opposite ends of the spectrum (politically, morally, or whatever meter you want to use) who will never reach a common ground. I think you should all just realize that and stop with the attempts to bend someone else's beliefs to meet your own.
That said... take a second to appreciate that you didn't have any of your friends or family in harms way this past week and then continue with your pissing contest.
Agreed and well said.

The whole thought of terrorism gets me fired up. And people defending them makes it worse. I'm done here though I've said what I had to say.

Re: Just in case you didn't know.....

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 3:59 pm
by MelvinsArmy
romulus22 wrote:Melvin, you are upset that because a terrorist isn't getting rights you think that your rights are now stripped? You think that the police and military searching homes for a terrorist is wrong? Telling people to stay in there homes for their safety is wrong?

If I lived in the area IDE be glad to to follow those rules. And what now. Are you excited to pay taxes the rest of your life for the money that's going to shelter and feed this guy that murdered several of people for who knows what reason. Those people don't get a fair chance at living. They were stripped of life in 1 second. That's how fast they should strip him of his.
What exactly is a terrorist? How does applying that label to a criminal make him any different than any other criminal? What happened was a crime. It was not an act of war.

Yes I am upset that this person is not getting the rights that the rest of us are granted. Yes, his not getting them does mean that our rights are also stripped. He is a naturalized American citizen. He has the same rights as you and I. Read him his rights. Give him a trial.

Yes I think the police action in Boston was totally absurd. When has something like that ever happened in our country? Yes, police and military searching citizens homes without a warrant is wrong. Like, fundamentally wrong, or so says the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution. They don't do this on a daily basis for other criminals, known killers, rapists, etc. They don't lock an entire city down where there is a serial killer on the loose. They don't do it when there is a violent robbery followed by a high speed chase. They didn't do it when people were flying airplanes into skyscrapers.

This whole "war on terror" is absurd. You can't declare war on a method of fighting. It makes no sense.

Re: Just in case you didn't know.....

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:40 pm
by Dirtdiver
I think the only thing we can agree on is that the news media was reporting without checking facts. USAToday, CNN, NBC, etc all tried to be the first to report from Watertown and screwed up many items. It was hard to believe anything they said or posted as they would change the story hour to hour.

Re: Just in case you didn't know.....

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 7:36 pm
by j-sou
edit. agro post. sorry. had a bad night.
Sometimes there are special circumstances where they will wait to read someone their rights.

Re: Just in case you didn't know.....

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:06 pm
by MelvinsArmy
j-sou wrote:12+ hour old bullet wounds, bleeding, half dead, fresh flash bombs to the face... Dude going to know/remember if his rights are being read to him? NO. Think no one else has ever thought of this before? WRONG.
Reading a suspect his rights is their ****ING JOB boss.

Re: Just in case you didn't know.....

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:52 pm
by klavy69
civilguy wrote:I think this whole thread is useless. There are members here on opposite ends of the spectrum (politically, morally, or whatever meter you want to use) who will never reach a common ground. I think you should all just realize that and stop with the attempts to bend someone else's beliefs to meet your own.

now I know we all have opinions and we are entitled to our opinions ...what we also have is the right to state our opinions. What there should be is a ban on arguing over the internet....that of course was a joke so no one argue with me on this :wink: .

If someone has an opinion and you want to argue about it get some phone numbers so you can call one another and piss all over yourselves on the phone. would make the moderating of threads like this a whole lot easier...


Re: Just in case you didn't know.....

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:37 pm
by MelvinsArmy
Don't worry Todd, I can moderate this thread. :wink:


1. A meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
2. An Internet message board.

Re: Just in case you didn't know.....

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 11:36 pm
by LTO_Dave
Hey Melvin, maybe this country, or perhaps the entire world, should put you in charge since you seem to have it all figured out. :wink:

Please share more of your infinite wisdom with us mere mortals.

Re: Just in case you didn't know.....

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 11:46 pm
by MelvinsArmy
LTO_Dave wrote:Hey Melvin, maybe this country, or perhaps the entire world, should put you in charge since you seem to have it all figured out. :wink:

Please share more of your infinite wisdom with us mere mortals.
Condescending much? This so-called wisdom I'm sharing isn't my own. It comes from our forefathers, the architects of our country. Again, elementary civics material.

And no, trust me, you wouldn't want me in charge of this country or this world. Things would be radically different.

Re: Just in case you didn't know.....

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 11:47 pm
by klavy69
MelvinsArmy wrote:Don't worry Todd, I can moderate this thread. :wink:


1. A meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
2. An Internet message board.
Oh, I know you can Scott. Got full faith in you.

I'll add to it:
3. A place where a person go to argue about crap and stir up sh**.


Re: Just in case you didn't know.....

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 11:49 pm
by MelvinsArmy
Hey, I like to stir. :wink:

My favorite forum? The original, the Roman Forum. This place ain't too bad either.

Re: Just in case you didn't know.....

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 11:52 pm
by slotcarrod
I wonder what the Founding Fathers would do with this "citizen" had he bombed them back in 1776?