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Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:33 am
by Lowgear
Hey N2Deep, if you don't want your R/C's any longer you can send them to me. I'll even pay the shipping. :mrgreen:

Speaking of conspiracies and the like what are all of your thoughts on that "mystery missile" event that took place off the coast of California a few days ago?


Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:38 am
by adam lancia
After reading the last 3 pages over breakfast this morning, I'm feeling pretty normal right about now, thanks guys! 8)

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:40 am
by MelvinsArmy
People have been predicting the end of time since.... the beginning of time. Heck, I remember when the world ended for Y2K, that was awesome.

Nazis and Klansmen are two very different kinds of people. For starters, the Nazis never had anything to do with Jebus. Not even sure why I'm addressing that as it has nothing to do with anything we've discussed so far, but then again weird tangents seem to be the only constant in this discussion.

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:43 am
by Hotshotman
Oh my! The thought of Obama and his minions making me sell my treasures is unsettling but doubtful. And if Mr Ventura was THAT smart he'd still be representing the fine people in Minnesota. Or wrestling. :lol:
Pagan sacrifices, huh? I suppose I better buy some black candles then. And stock up on Holy water and crucifixes. What else should I buy? Ideas?

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:49 am
by MelvinsArmy
Hotshotman wrote: Pagan sacrifices, huh? I suppose I better buy some black candles then. And stock up on Holy water and crucifixes. What else should I buy? Ideas?

Some yoga classes. That way when Jebus floats down from the clouds to do his thing, you'll be flexible enough to kiss yer arse goodbye! :lol:

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:55 am
by markt311

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:57 am
by Incredible_Serious
Hotshotman wrote: What else should I buy? Ideas?
Re-release Tamiya Avante? That's the second coming for the Tamiya Fanboi Alliance........ or was that the 2010 SS????

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:06 am
by N2Deep
Lowgear, I am in the process of thinking about unloading it. I have way too many so shipping my cost a couple of hundreds of dollars. What parts do you need to finish your projects with...what cars are you currently working on?

The missile launched, here is the best answer:

Then again, a man was able to steal a tank from the reserve and drive it through neighborhoods, big streets and highways. And that was in California also. I do not know what the trajectory of the missile nor how far it went into the Pacific Ocean but one thing is for certain, China was not invited to the G20 summit meeting and Obama was very harsh on China because China refuses to play the money exchange game with the U.S. dollar. There is a Currency War. U.S. owes China hundreds of billions of dollars...and to do what the U.S. is asking would mean for China to eliminate U.S. debt with China. China can legally come upon the shore of The United States and seize it as collateral payment for money due. Google Jordan Maxwell. China really has a cool head as it remains calm. U.S. has already destroyed a Chinese embassy with a missile and claimed that they had wrong coordinates. Wrong coordinates? are you kiding me, that was a pre-emptive attack on China, but the Chinese would rather remain calm. The best way to handle this....would be to not have a war. Mankind is worth it weight in gold, so war was out of the question. Just take for example, if China had destroyed a U.S. embassy....that would mean war....just look at the twin towers as an example.

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:08 am
by Hotshotman
Hotshotman wrote:
What else should I buy? Ideas?

Re-release Tamiya Avante? That's the second coming for the Tamiya Fanboi Alliance........ or was that the 2010 SS????

Only if it includes everlasting life with the Chosen One. :lol:

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 2:05 am
by N2Deep
Lowgear, have you heard of the Rogue B-52 incident. A B-52 in Minot, North Dakota was armed with 6 nuclear cruise missile bombs having 150 kilotons each (5-6 times the amount of power of the Hiroshima bomb) was loaded and ready to strike once it refueled in Louisiana. Prepare for World War 3:

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 2:53 am
by markt311
This about sums this thread up.


Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:53 am
by michi
I'm looking forward to the moment, when someone says ,that I spend my time with a forum for toys. This thread will be my invincible weapon. :lol:

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:00 am
by Toasted Coastie
This thread has officially jumped the shark


pure homage to the Fonz....

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:46 am
by Charlie don't surf
N2Deep wrote:Lowgear, have you heard of the Rogue B-52 incident. A B-52 in Minot, North Dakota was armed with 6 nuclear cruise missile bombs having 150 kilotons each (5-6 times the amount of power of the Hiroshima bomb) was loaded and ready to strike once it refueled in Louisiana. Prepare for World War 3:
N2Deep, I am still going to restate that all I see you referencing are Websites and TV shows-lest we forget that "conspiracy theory" with the good Govenor Ventura just has to be real, just like his time wrestling because you know that's real-

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:53 am
by scr8p
Charlie don't surf wrote:just like his time wrestling because you know that's real-
wha....... what are you trying to say? wresting is fake? :shock: :(