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Re: Bob Stormer, glimpse

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:07 pm
by rraeford
Man. those TRC Pro12s are killin' me. I thought I had a lot of stuff. I just showed these pics to my wife and she looked at me, paused for a moment and left the room quietly.

Re: Bob Stormer, glimpse

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:06 pm
by V12
Wow, I thought I´m a horder but this is an other stage. :wink:
Maybe the largest gathering of cars and parts ........ after Mr. Typischdesign. Maybe not, who knows.
I´m also into rc cars since more than 30 years but just don´t have the room (and the money) for a giant collection like this.
Also sold most of my race cars trough the years, you know ..... I was young and needed the money. :lol:
Now looking to find them again...........
I think any serious collector would like to look at this collection in person.

Talking about Stevens and Son pancar hubs, I still have some here. Very nice stuff. Bought for my RC10L later used with my HPI RS10G, one of the very few of my personal race cars still here with me.

I´m also not able deciding what would be my no. 1 pick of cars of my collection. But it got to be a Delta car for sure, any scale. But then there are Schumacher 1/12, 1/12 Lexan cars, some other British cars as Phantom or Gemini graphite car, early Corally cars, the 1/8 .... the Schumacher XLS, Yok 834B special version ........ the Sizzler.......No, got to be a Delta :mrgreen:

I see you´re looking for Lazerlite motors? But I can see one ..... mounted at a Lazerlite car!

Re: Bob Stormer, glimpse

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:10 pm
by Bob-Stormer
V12 wrote: I see you´re looking for Lazerlite motors? But I can see one ..... mounted at a Lazerlite car!
Got a few more, always looking (slaps forhead)....<this is what got me into this situation>

Bought another car off a guy here on the forums today... 'DOH.

Re: Bob Stormer, glimpse

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:17 pm
by klavy69
Bob-Stormer wrote:Bought another car off a guy here on the forums today... 'DOH.
ATTA BOY BOB! Feed that need! :mrgreen:


Re: Bob Stormer, glimpse

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:52 pm
by JK Racing
Bob, thank you for those pictures. My meager little collection has been completely put to shame. BUT...I showed my wife and she said it will be very hard for her to complain about what I have.

Thank you for opening the door for more cars/projects to come my way :)

Re: Bob Stormer, glimpse

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 12:11 am
by alien3t
Would love to go shopping in your antique of classic's store.

Re: Bob Stormer, glimpse

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:11 am
by PlastiZapCA+
Holy cow! :shock: So that's what heaven looks like. :mrgreen: I would love to browse through all those pan cars! Such an amazing collection you have Bob! Thanks for letting us have a peek.

Re: Bob Stormer, glimpse

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:47 am
by EvolutionRevolution

Maybe I should give up my job and move to the USA to help you sort that out. :wink: For so much you'd almost need some set up where a few teams sort things out independently, each working on their little corner, one guy entering data in a spreadsheet while a few others dig parts out and identify it and then another guy labels them and yet another guy goes to put them in the right place.

Very impressive.

Re: Bob Stormer, glimpse

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:35 am
by kink
That is a staggering and totally overwhelming collection. I agree with the post above. Unless you employ a full time team of at least two people I cannot see that mountain ever being organised and sold in your lifetime. Would your family help out? It would be a shame for the collection to one day be dumped on ebay as "Old RC cars and parts lot - $5k BuyNow" haha. If organised it would be worth a fortune. But due to the vast scale time is the real enemy here. I wish you luck with it all. If I were in the USA I'd lend a hand, if only to drool :D

Re: Bob Stormer, glimpse

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:32 am
by losiXXXman
What you have there Bob is just amazing!. As with every one esle who has posted, I'd love to come help out if I could.....And I don't even mean to just to buy things :lol: It'd would be fun just looking through all the "stuff" and reminiscing about the older days of RC technology and racing. I guess that whole "reminiscing" thing is why we are all here at 10talk anyway. Remembering the old days of racing, cars we used to have (and now just HAVE to or NEED to reacquire.).

BTW, how many PM's are in you box now Bob? :D

Re: Bob Stormer, glimpse

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:45 am
by wyldbill
wow, bob im speechless everytime you post pictures of youre collection. ok who on here lives near bob? we should seriously all get together some weekend and help the guy out. i know if i lived near him i'd be over there volunteering my time. with all the collective knowledge on here most of us could identify the parts in our sleep and get it all done in no time. hell id be up for a family vacation to montana just to stop by and see the place. seriously though if and when it ever gets all organized i couldnt think of a better place to open the us world of r/c history musem. since bob sold just about anything and everything r/c over the years and just about everybody bought something from him over the years it just seems fitting to have it there.

Re: Bob Stormer, glimpse

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 2:09 am
by Bob-Stormer
it would be fun. Throw some steaks on the grill, get some frosty beverages and dig through boxes of dusty stuff. :)

Never happen, but you gotta admit it's a dang good excuse for a BBQ! ;)

Appreciate all the nice notes and kind words. :)

Re: Bob Stormer, glimpse

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 2:11 am
by Bob-Stormer
losiXXXman wrote: BTW, how many PM's are in you box now Bob? :D
I think it ended up at 2 pages of them in the "in-box" over the last 48 hours, and a solid 150 more that hit me up at the shop for things I might have but didn't show.

Happy to try and help a guy out if I can.

Re: Bob Stormer, glimpse

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:40 am
by slow_jun
More Pics Please..... more for us to Like... :D

Re: Bob Stormer, glimpse

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 6:48 am
by Lonestar
... and to send PM's for... :lol: