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Re: Slash

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 1:07 am
by bearrickster
it looks ok I only have a little practic heat gun control and Qtips are the tips

Re: Slash

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 11:44 am
by Positronic
I ordered a Slash tonight from the states, (none in Australia at the moment) I'm very excited to get it as I have alot of flat kinda dirt around here, they look so much fun. Actually wish there was still local clubs, as they look like a blast to race :)

Re: Slash

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 11:50 am
by bearrickster
I understand your pain :( the closet track is 100miles away for me.

Re: Slash

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:51 am
by JK Racing I finally got to run again (at a track). I took an older B&R 550 monster truck motor, removed the 19T arm and dropped in the Traxxas Titan 12T arm. Set the timing at about 15 degrees, after cleaning up the com a bit. That arm is ballistic. The stock can is what holds these motors back from being excellent performers. I could pull any stock can Slash down the straight (about 60 use-able feet) by a few car lengths, and easily double a section that only 4wd mod was making. Of course the other drivers were screaming bloody murder, but hey, I did sign up for Mod Slash, they put me into the spec class, and I WAS running a stock armature....

Finished second overall, behind Greg Hodapp, that guy can drive the wheels off anything.

Carloco, if you read this, nice to meet you finally!! A little tuning and your cars will be tops.

Re: Slash

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 5:06 pm
by carloco8
It was nice meeting you and your son too! Your slash was dialed JK! I've gotta say, its really fun watching those trucks race each other :D